Human rights and gender identity and expression (2024)
English | French (currently being translated)
Summary and main recommendations: English |French
Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Europe: Progress and Challenges (2024)
English | French (currently being translated)
Protecting the Defenders: Ending repression of human rights defenders assisting refugees, asylum seekers and migrants in Europe (2024)
English | French
Introduction and recommendations:
Croatian | French | German | Greek | Hungarian | Italian | Latvian | Polish | Spanish
Dealing with the past for a better future - Achieving justice, peace and social cohesion in the region of the former Yugoslavia (2023)
English | French (currently being translated)
Summary of the report: Albanian | Bosnian | Croatian | English | French | Macedonian | Serbian
Report in a nutshell: Albanian | Bosnian | Croatian | English | French | Macedonian | Serbian
Human rights by design - future-proofing human rights protection in the era of AI (2023)
Crimean Tatars' struggle for human rights (2023)
Pushed beyond the limits: Four areas of urgent action to end human rights violations at Europe's borders (2022)
A distress call for human rights. The widening gap in migrant
protection in the Mediterranean (2021)
Protecting the right to health through
inclusive and resilient health care for all (2021)
Unboxing artificial intelligence (2019)
Croatian | English | French | Russian | Serbian
Human Rights in Europe: from crisis to renewal? (2018)
Women's sexual and reproductive health and rights (2017)
English | French
Summary and recommendations from the report:
Italian | German | Polish | Russian | Spanish | Turkish
Fighting school segregation in Europe through inclusive education (2017)
Albanian | Bosnian | Croatian | Czech | English | French | Macedonian | Spanish
Missing persons and victims of enforced disappearance in Europe (2016)
Democratic and effective oversight of national security services (2015)
English | French | German | Turkish | Russian
The rule of law on the Internet and in the wider digital world (2014)
French | English | German | Spanish | Russian | Turkish
Safeguarding human rights in times of economic crisis (2013)
Bulgarian | English | French | Greek | Spanish
The right to leave a country (2013)
Albanian | Bulgarian | English | French | German | Macedonian | Romanian | Serbian
The right of people with disabilities to live independently
and be included in the community (2012)
Who gets to decide? Right to legal capacity for persons with intellectual
and psychosocial disabilities (2012)
Post-war justice and durable peace in the former Yugoslavia (2012)
Human rights of Roma and Travellers in Europe (2012)
Extracts from the full report Albanian | Bulgarian | Czech | French | Hungarian | Italian | Romani | Russian | Serbian | Slovak | Spanish | Turkish
Human rights and a changing media landscape (2011)
Discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation
and gender identity in Europe (2011)
English | French | Russian
Extracts from the full report
Bosnian/Serbian | Croatian | Turkish