Обратно Hungary: Legislative changes ensure compensation of persons having lost their disability benefits due to new eligibility criteria introduced in 2012

On 31 October, the Committee of Ministers ended its supervision of the execution of the ECHR judgments in the Béláné Nagy group. This group of cases, consisting of four judgments, concerned violations of the right to protection of property on account of the applicants’ complete or partial loss of their disability benefits due to new eligibility criteria introduced as of 1 January 2012 in the law on disability and related benefits (Article 1 of Protocol No. 1).  

Following the judgment of the ECHR in Béláné Nagy, the authorities adopted various measures to address the shortcomings identified by the Court and remedy the applicants’ individual situation. In particular, legislative changes in 2021 led to the compensation of persons whose disability benefits had been lowered in 2012 as a result of the new eligibility criteria even though there was no real and actual physical improvement in their health situation.

Final Resolution (CM/ResDH(2023)323)

Country factsheet – Hungary

Strasbourg 8 November 2023
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