Επιστροφή Online meeting with the High Council of Justice of Ukraine

Online meeting with the High Council of Justice of Ukraine

On 23 February, the Department for the Execution of Judgments held online consultations with the High Council of Justice of Ukraine to discuss challenges and steps to be taken by the judiciary in order to implement certain judgments of the European Court of Human Rights rendered in respect of Ukraine.

Most importantly, the different issues identified by the Court as regards the lack of judicial independence in matters relating to judicial discipline and careers were discussed. The Committee of Ministers supervises these matters in the context of the Oleksandr Volkov group of cases, which will be examined during its upcoming Human Rights meeting in March.  

It is recalled that during the last examination of this group in June 2023, the Committee welcomed the relaunch of the operation of the High Council of Justice and its re-composition in line with the Venice Commission’s recommendations. It further called upon the authorities to form, without undue delay, the Service of Disciplinary Inspectors, with a view to fully re-establishing the disciplinary powers of the Higher Council of Justice, in compliance with the standards and recommendations of the Council of Europe in that respect.

 Country factsheet of Ukraine

 Про виконання Україною рішень ЄСПЛ йшлося на зустрічі в Вища рада правосуддя

Strasbourg 27 February 2024
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