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Back Ukrainian young local leaders to discuss local political governance

Ref. CG-PR 042 (2014)

Ukrainian young local leaders to discuss local political governance

Strasbourg, 30 September 2014 - The Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe is organising a regional training seminar for young local leaders in Chernihiv (Ukraine) on 30 September – 2 October 2014. This seminar is part of a series of regional workshops aimed at spreading a culture of democracy at local level by raising awareness on local and regional democracy principles and developing the participants’ capacity to engage locally in an active and qualified manner.

The seminar will bring together 25 young local leaders of NGOs, youth wings of political parties, local media as well as local elected representatives. They are invited to share their perceptions of decision-making processes at local level and the respective roles of local authorities and citizens in better addressing citizens’ needs.

Nataliya Romanova,  President of the Congress Chamber of the Regions, will open the seminar. Other members of the Congress including : Liisa Ansala (Finland), Mairi Evans (United Kingdom), Volodymyr Udovychenko (Ukraine) will also participate and discuss the the practical implementation of European standards for enhanced local political governance, in particular, the European Charter of Local Self-Government. They will discuss the situation of Ukraine in this respect and issues related to citizen participation and planning action together, electoral campaigns as well as fighting corruption and unethical behaviour.

This seminar is funded by the Government of Denmark, as part of the project : “Strengthening the capacity of local authorities in Ukraine”. This project aims to support Ukraine in improving the quality of local self-governance and developing a national legal framework in line with the Council of Europe standards.

A press briefing will take place on 1st October 2014 at 11:30 am in the Conference room (8th floor) of the Park-Hotel Chernihiv in Chernihiv, Ukraine.

Ukraine ratified the European Charter of Local Self-Government on 11 September 1997 and signed its Additional Protocol on the right to participate in the affairs of a local authority on 20 October 2011. Countries which have ratified the Charter are bound by its provisions. The Charter imposes compliance with a minimum number of rights, which are the European bedrock of local self-government. The Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe ensures respect for these principles.

Venue of the seminar: Chernihiv, “Chernihiv Park_Hotel”, Ukraine

Contact on the spot :

Svitlana Gryshchenko,
Project Manager
Council of Europe Office in Kyiv
Tel: +38 044 425 60 01 (ext. 133)
Mobile:  +38 096 340 13 83
[email protected]

Strasbourg - Chernihiv 30 September 2014
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