45th Anniversary of the Bern Convention

Open to signature on 19th September 1979, the Bern Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats was the first international treaty to protect both species and habitats, actively supporting the conservation of natural heritage and facilitating inter-governmental...

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3rd meeting of the Bureau of the Bern Convention

10-12 September Strasbourg

The Bureau of the Standing Committee of the Bern Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats held its third ordinary meeting of the year from 10 to 12 September 2024 in Strasbourg.

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On-the-spot appraisal (OSA) in Anamur Mersin, Türkiye

2-4 July 2024 Anamur Mersin, Türkiye

On 2 – 4 July 2024 an on-the-spot-appraisal (OSA) was convened in Anamur Mersin, Türkiye. Related to the case-file 2019/5: Habitat destruction in Mersin Anamur Beach, the appraisal included visits to the habitats of the Loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta), Green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas)...

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International Day for Biodiversity 2024

22 May 2024 Strasbourg

The Bern Convention takes part in the International Day for Biodiversity on May 22!

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Technical Workshop on “Challenges & opportunities for the conservation of reptiles and large carnivores during linear infrastructure development in South-East Europe: a case study for the Kresna area”

22-24 April 2024 Kresna/Sandanski (Bulgaria)

The Bern Convention, in collaboration with the Infrastructure and Ecology Network Europe (IENE), Bulgarian Government and Bulgarian NGO Balkani Wildlife Society, held a Technical Workshop on “Challenges & opportunities for the conservation of reptiles and large carnivores during linear...

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Group of Experts on Protected Areas and Ecological Networks

17-18 April 2024 Vaduz

The Group of Experts on Protected Areas and Ecological Networks held its 14th meeting from 17 to 18 April 2024 in Vaduz (Liechtenstein). The meeting was organised within the frame of presidency of Liechtenstein of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe. The Group of Experts on...

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1st meeting of the Bureau of the Bern Convention in 2024

18-19 March 2024 Strasbourg

The Bureau to the Standing Committee of the Bern Convention held its first meeting of 2024 on 18-19 March in Strasbourg.

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Group of Specialists on the European Diploma for Protected Areas

20-21 February 2024 (Strasbourg)

The Group of Specialists on the European Diploma for Protected Areas held its annual meeting from 20 to 21 February 2024 in Strasbourg. The Group discussed consequences of the cessation of the membership of the Russian Federation to the Council of Europe and of the freeze of the technical...

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The Bern Convention adopts a Strategic Plan to guide its progress towards 2030 targets on nature conservation

5th December 2023 Strasbourg

On the 1st December 2023, a landmark moment occurred when the Standing Committee of the Bern Convention adopted a Strategic Plan to 2030.

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43rd Standing Committee meeting

27 November - 1 December 2023 Strasbourg

The Bern Convention held its 43rd Standing Committee meeting from 27th November to 1st December 2023 in Strasbourg. Contracting Parties, observers, NGO representatives and experts discussed the outcomes of activities implemented throughout 2023, and those planned for next year. Activities...

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11th Meeting of the Group of Experts on the Conservation of Amphibians and Reptiles

26 September 2023 Strasbourg

The 11th meeting of the Group of Experts on the Conservation of Amphibians and Reptiles took place in Strasbourg on the 26th of September. The main objective of the meeting was to discuss distribution maps of amphibian and reptile species occurrence across the protected area network of Natura...

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2nd meeting of the Bureau of the Bern Convention in 2023

12-13 September Strasbourg

The Bureau to the Standing Committee of the Bern Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats held its second ordinary meeting of 2023 on 12-13 September in Strasbourg. The Bureau assessed progress in the implementation of the Convention’s Programme of Activities for...

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Final Seminar of the BISON project on “Transport Infrastructure and Biodiversity at a nexus of challenges”

6-7 June 2023 Strasbourg

The Final Seminar of the BISON project which will be held on 6-7 June in the Council of Europe.

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International Day for Biological Diversity 2023

22 May 2023 Strasbourg

The Bern Convention celebrates the International Day for Biological Diversity on 22 May!

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Expert Workshop on the Conservation of the Carpathian Lynx

11-12 May 2023 Harz National Park, Germany

The Secretariat of the Bern Convention attended the Expert Workshop on the Conservation of the Carpathian Lynx in west-central Europe, held in the Harz National Park, Germany, on 11-12 May 2023.

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Bern Convention visits North Macedonia to assess developments at Lake Ohrid and Galichica National Park

25-27 April 2023 North Macedonia

The Bern Convention carried out an on-the-spot appraisal (OSA) to the Lake Ohrid and Galichica National Park candidate Emerald Sites on 25-27 April.

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1st meeting of the Bureau of the Bern Convention in 2023

29-30 March 2023 (online meeting)

The Bureau to the Standing Committee of the Bern Convention held its first meeting of 2023 on 29-30 March by video-conference. The Bureau assessed progress in the implementation of the Convention’s Programme of Activities for 2023 and the state of preparation of upcoming meetings and events. It...

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Annual meeting of the Group of Specialists on the European Diploma for Protected Areas

2-3 March 2023 Strasbourg

The Group of Specialists on the European Diploma for Protected Areas held its annual meeting on 2-3 March in Strasbourg. The Group assessed the findings of the seven on-the-spot appraisal visits which took place in 2022 and plan for the visits to be held in the course of 2023. Further, the follow...

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Launch of the Case-file Dashboard

20 February 2023

The Case-File Dashboard has been completed with the publications of the approximately 150 closed/dismissed files!

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42nd Standing Committee meeting

28 November - 2 December Strasbourg (hybrid meeting)

The Bern Convention held its 42nd Standing Committee meeting from 28th November to 2nd December 2022 in Strasbourg with a hybrid setting. Contracting Parties, observers, NGO representatives and experts discussed the outcomes of activities implemented throughout 2022, and activities planned for...

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