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Back Ukrainian delegation took part in the conference “Social and economic rights for forcibly displaced persons during the conflicts in former Yugoslavia”

Ukrainian delegation took part in the conference “Social and economic rights for forcibly displaced persons during the conflicts in former Yugoslavia”

On 27-28 of June the Council of Europe organized a conference on “Social and economic rights for forcibly displaced persons during the conflicts in former Yugoslavia”, in Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina).

Representatives of the authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia, “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” and Kosovo, academic and policy experts, as well as members of civil society took part in this conference.

The Council of Europe Project “Strengthening the Human Rights Protection of Internally Displaced Persons in Ukraine” supported participation of the delegation from Ukraine in the conference. It was represented by Mr Heorhii Tuka, Deputy Minister of the Ministry for Temporary Occupied Territories and Internally Displaced Persons of Ukraine, Ms Diana Rakus, Head of International Agreements Division of International Relations Department of the Ministry of Social Police of Ukraine, Ms Darina Tolkach, Advocacy Coordinator, CF “Right to Protection” accompanied by Ms Ganna Khrystova, Senior Project Officer.

The Conference was focused on implementing economic and social rights agreed within the Sarajevo Declaration process. The conference was also aimed at promoting the use of the European Social Charter, the ratification of the revised treaty by all Council of Europe member States and the acceptance of the collective complaints procedure. It addressed the issue of whether, to what extent and how, the Council of Europe and its human rights instruments, in particular the European Social Charter and its monitoring mechanisms, can be of assistance in devising and implementing such durable solutions notably the right to housing but also the right to benefit from social welfare services.

Reflecting on the conference discussions, Ukrainian delegation specifically stressed on positive experience and lessons learned from the Regional Housing Program implemented by the Council of Europe Development Bank providing housing solutions for IDPs and returnees in four Balkan states.

Moreover, during the conference the Project facilitated a meeting of Mr Heorhii Tuka, Deputy Minister  and Mr Predrag Jovic, Deputy Minister of the Ministry for Human Rights and Refugees (Bosnia and Herzegovina) to discuss crucial aspects and solutions learned from the conflict and large displacement.
Kyiv, Ukraine 28 June
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          +38 044 425 02 62

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