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Back Young leaders in Ukraine promote local democracy

Young leaders in Ukraine promote local democracy

Lviv, 24 November 2016 - 19 young local leaders, representatives of non-governmental organisations, media and local authorities, shared their perceptions of local democracy and leadership within the reform processes in Ukraine during a three-day seminar. They developed ideas to be implemented in their communities from four regions of Ukraine: Chernivtsi, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv and Zakarpattya, reflecting, in particular, on the challenges of citizen participation in decision-making, accountability and transparency in local authorities.

“Being part of this seminar is an unforgettable and valuable experience. Ukrainian participants have much desire to learn new ideas and methods to actively bring change in their community. I strongly believe that this type of seminars organised by the Congress in Ukraine will have a long lasting impact - not just on participants but on the Ukrainian society” shared Eva Černigoj (Slovenia, GILD-ILDG), a young politician herself, when concluding the seminar.

The seminar was organised in the framework of the project “Promoting local democracy in Ukraine”, which is part of the Council of Europe Action Plan for Ukraine 2015-2017.

Ukraine joined the Council of Europe on 9 November 1995, ratified the European Charter of Local Self-Government on 11 September 1997 and its Additional Protocol on the right to participate in the affairs of a local authority on 2 September 2014. Countries which have ratified the Charter are bound by its provisions. The Charter imposes compliance with a minimum number of rights and principles, which are the European bedrock of local self-government. The Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe ensures respect for these principles.

Marité Moras, Head of the Co-operation Activities Unit Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe, Tel: +33 3 88 41 22 33

Svitlana Gryshchenko, Project Manager, Council of Europe Office in Kyiv, Tel: +380 96 340 13 83

Kyiv 2 December 2016
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