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Office News and Announcements

Back SASG meeting with the Alain Aeschlimann, Head of International Committee of the Red Cross Delegation in Ukraine

Following the meeting in Strasbourg with Peter Maurer, the President of the ICRC (International Committee of the Red Cross), the SASG met with the Head of the Red Cross Mission in Ukraine on November 25.

They exchanged views on the humanitarian situation in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions and on support for the significant number of internally displaced families throughout Ukraine. It was noted the importance of Ukraine’s cooperation with the ICRC for the delivery of international humanitarian aid to the people living in the occupied territories of Donbas.

The Special Adviser expressed support and appreciation for the efforts made by the ICRC with regard to both protection and assistance in favour of IDPs in Ukraine.

Strasbourg 12 December 2016
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Офіс Ради Європи в Україні
вул. Іллінська, 8, під'їзд 7, поверх 6
Київ, 04070 Україна
Council of Europe Office in Ukraine
8, Illinska str., 7 entrance, 6 floor
Kyiv 04070, Ukraine

Голова Офісу Ради Європи в Україні
пан Мачей Янчак

Head of the Council of Europe Office in Ukraine 
Mr Maciej Janczak

Tel.+38 044 425 60 01 
          +38 044 425 02 62

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