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Back Regional Forum “Integration of IDPs and community development: best practices” held in Severodonetsk, Luhansk region

Regional Forum “Integration of IDPs and community development: best practices” held in Severodonetsk, Luhansk region

On 31 of March 2017 a regional Forum “Integration of IDPs and community development: best practices” was organised in the framework of the Council of Europe Project “Strengthening the human rights protection of internally displaced persons in Ukraine” in cooperation with Luhansk regional military and civilian administration.

The purpose of the Forum was to create a collaborative space for communication, experience exchange and networking for representatives of public and civil society institutions who are implementing actions and projects promoting integration of IDPs into host communities in Luhansk region. The Forum brought together up to 100 participants representing departments of regional administration, educational and cultural institutions, centers of social services, international organizations, UN agencies and national and local NGOs.

Participants were welcomed by Ms Olga Lishyk, Deputy head of Luhansk regional military and civilian administration, Ms Zhanna Lukyanenko, Representative on IDPs of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, Mr Mykhailo Chaplyha, Head of public communication policy division of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights and Ms Iryna Svavolya, Project Officer of the Council of Europe Project “Strengthening the human rights protection of internally displaced persons in Ukraine”.

The programme foresaw a space for experience exchange, discussion regarding participants’ contribution to the implementation of the “Regional program on support and adaptation of IDPs in Luhansk region for 2017-2018” (with participation of Ms Eleanora Polishchuk, Head of the Department of social protection of Luhansk region). A separate session was dedicated to the feedback from partners on possible support of integration activities by international organizations represented in the region.

Thus, 25 organizations presented their practices in three different fields: integration through implementation of cultural and educational activities; integration by providing social services; integration through initiatives on employment and capacity building of IDPs. The participants have likewise elaborated suggestions of the activities in the framework of the “Regional program on support and adaptation of IDPs in Luhansk region for 2017-2018”.

The participants of the Forum had an opportunity to discuss perspectives of cooperation within the implementation of integration activities in Luhansk region with representatives of Luhansk regional department of social protection, Luhansk regional department of education and science, as well as UNHCR, UNFPA, OCHA, UNDP in Severodonetsk. As an output of the Forum, a leaflet on the best practices of integration of IDPs into host communities in Luhansk region will be prepared.

Severodonetsk, Lugansk regiona, Ukraine 31 March 2017
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