Strengthen the observation of the human rights and rule of law in treatment of prisoners in Ukraine

The State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine and the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine. In some areas the Project cooperates with the Parliament of Ukraine, judges, the General Procurator’s Office, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, human rights protection organisations and other organization of civil society.
  • Improved rehabilitation approach in the prison regimes in line with European standards and best practices.
  • Strengthened procedures and practices for prison inspection and handling of prisoners’ complaints.

The Project will be implemented in close cooperation and partnership with the Ministry of Justice and the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine. It will also include a wider group of national partners and stakeholders, who will contribute towards the overall improvement of the treatment of prisoners in Ukraine, such as the Ombudsman and National Preventive Mechanism, the Public Prosecutor and international and civil society organizations, academic institutions.

The duration of the Project is 36 months and is expected to be completed by 31 December 2017. The overall project budget is EUR 1,000,000, funded by the European Union, co-funded by the Council of Europe, under the auspices of the EU/CoE Programmatic Co-operation Framework in the Eastern Partnership countries


In April 2014, the European Union and the Council of Europe agreed that targeted cooperation activities with Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and Belarus - the EU’s Eastern Partnership countries - would be implemented under a ‘Programmatic Cooperation Framework’ (PCF).

These cooperation activities will strengthen the capacity of Eastern Partnership countries, which are member States of the Council of Europe, with the exception of Belarus, to implement domestic reforms to bring them closer to European standards in the fields of human rights, democracy and the rule of law.