Back Call for grants for projects from national NGOs regarding new rules of political parties financing (Updated - Q&A added)

The Council of Europe's Project “Reform of the Electoral Practice in Ukraine” has launched a Grant Award Procedure for projects from national NGOs aimed at monitoring of the implementation of the Law of Ukraine No. 731 – VIII “On amending certain legislative acts of Ukraine as regards prevention and countering political corruption” adopted by the Parliament of Ukraine on October 8, 2015, and at organizing and conducting an awareness raising campaign on new rules of political parties financing enshrined in the said Law.

Deadline for applications: 26 August, 2016.

Each application shall contain:

•              the completed and signed Application Form (See Appendix I);

•             a provisional budget (using the template reproduced in Appendix II);

•              the other supporting documents:

-     Certificate of registration as a non-profit organization (scanned copy of the original in Ukrainian and English translation of the document);

-     Statutes of the organization, or equivalent (scanned copy of the original in Ukrainian and English translation of the document);

-     Bank statement confirming the existence of the bank account in the name of the applicant (scanned copy of the original in Ukrainian and English translation of the document).

More information could be found in the Call for proposals.

Appendix III - Draft Grant Agreement (for information only)

Qestions & Answers

Kyiv 27 July 2016
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