Back Round table “Human rights of IDPs in Luhansk region: dialog in sake of protection” was held in Severodonetsk

Round table “Human rights of IDPs in Luhansk region: dialog in sake of protection” was held in Severodonetsk

On October 5 2016 the round table «Human rights of IDPs in Luhansk region: dialog in sake of protection» was held in Severodonetsk.

The round table was initiated by the Main Territorial Department of Justice in Luhansk region and supported by the Council of Europe Project «Strengthening the Human Rights Protection of Internally Displaced Persons in Ukraine».

The round table was aimed at identification and discussion of practical issues of IDPs’ rights that departments of justice face in their work; elaboration of recommendations on improving legislative and administrative mechanisms to ensure implementation of the rights of internally displaced persons.

Round table was planned, on the one hand, as a platform for dialogue between state organizations, authorities and NGOs working at regional level, and on the other – as a space for building of a constructive discussion and bringing key messages to representatives of ministries and agencies at the national level. Therefore around 60 participants attended the event including management and staff of the Main Territorial Departments of Justice in Luhansk and Donetsk regions, notaries, judges, heads of local centers for secondary legal aid provision, lawyers from international, national and local NGOs.

The challenges participants face and the possible solutions were delivered to the present at the meeting Ms Ganna Onyshchenko, Deputy Minister of Justice of Ukraine, Ms Tatiana Prys, Director of Archives of SAS of Ukraine, Mr Vladymyr Marchenko, President of the Notary Chamber of Ukraine, Ms Olesia Tsybulko, Advisor to the Minister of Temporarily Occupied Territories and IDPs of Ukraine, Ms Victoriya Mitko, Head of the Department of Quality of Legal Aid Provision of the Coordination Center for Legal Aid Provision, Ms Olga Lishyk, Deputy Head of Luhansk Regional state administration as well as Ms Ganna Khrystova, Senior Project Officer of the Council of Europe Project «Strengthening the Human Rights Protection of Internally Displaced Persons in Ukraine».

The program of the round table included space for thematic discussions within two sections: «Executive Service activity to protect the rights of IDPs: challenges and perspectives» and «Violation of IDPs’ rights related to limited access to documentation related to the National Archival Fund of Ukraine».

The issues of execution of debt collection according to the court decision, access to archives, legalization of business and public organizations, probate, difficulties with legal obtaining alimonies for children were discussed.

Result of the discussions were formed in the final document with recommendations on improving national legislation and other administrative mechanisms which will ensure protection of IDPs’ rights and will improve the activity of departments of justice, notary and archives in Luhansk region.

Kyiv 12 October 2016
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