Back A road-map for preventing the radicalisation of children

A road-map for preventing the radicalisation of children

The Parliamentary Assembly spelled out a series of measures to prevent the radicalisation of children by fighting the root causes.  Adopting a resolution based on a report by Sevinj Fataliyeva (Azerbaijan, EC), the parliamentarians said prevention was key to stopping young people being drawn to violent extremism, and should begin “at an early age when values and beliefs are formed”.  As regards social inclusion via education and training, the Parliamentary Assembly called on the Council of Europe member States to:

  • provide all children and young people with equal opportunities, life perspectives and a sense of social purpose, as well as perspectives for social mobility;
  • educate children and young people on democratic citizenship and European values, including by encouraging child and youth participation in all decisions affecting them and give them the tools to take a critical approach to information and to reflect carefully about what they read and are told;
  • implement specific measures to make schools safe and free from bullying and other manifestations of prejudice, discrimination, segregation and all forms of violence;
  • develop the teaching of history of religious issues by insisting on the peace-oriented dimension of religions, and in parallel raising awareness of teachers and expanding the curriculum in this area.

“Prevention, de-radicalisation and rehabilitation strategies must target the individual in his or her specific context, be comprehensive and based on multi-agency local partnerships, - the parliamentarians say in the adopted text, - Relevant strategies need to respect human rights and fundamental freedoms in order to avoid inciting further resentment”.

  Voting result and adopted text

Strasbourg 22 April 2016
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