Nazaj CPT publishes report on the Netherlands

The Council of Europe's Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) published today the report on its most recent visit to the Netherlands from 2 to 13 May 2016.
CPT publishes report on the Netherlands

One of the main objectives of the visit was to examine the treatment and care of patients placed in penitentiary psychiatric centres. The CPT’s delegation also examined, for the first time, the situation of patients placed against their will in two civil psychiatric hospitals. Further, three prisons were visited to review the conditions of detention and the regime applied to prisoners, including persons sentenced to life imprisonment. The treatment of persons in police custody and the safeguards applicable to them was also reviewed.

The main findings of the CPT are set out in the Executive Summary of the report.

The response of the Dutch authorities is due in May 2017.

The CPT’s report has been made public at the request of the Dutch Government.

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