16 June 2021 (9.00 - 17.00), Videoconference


Documents for discussion and/or decision


Agenda Item 1


Agenda Item 2 - Statement by the Executive Secretary


Agenda Item 3 - EUR-OPA Ministerial Conference back-to-back with the European Forum for Disaster Risk Reduction (November 2021)

 3.1 EUR-OPA Ministerial Conference 2021, 24 November 2021, Matosinhos, Portugal

 3.2 Medium-Term Plan 2021-2025

3.3 Draft Ministerial Declaration

  • Draft Ministerial Declaration - AP/CAT(2021)XX


Agenda Item 4 - European Forum for Disaster Risk Reduction


Agenda Item 5 - Revised draft recommendations


Agenda Item 6 - Proposed guidelines to member States

  • Proposed guidelines on enabling and protecting persons with disabilities during a viral or other pathogenic pandemic as well as another biological disaster
  • Proposed guidelines on inclusion of migrants, asylum seekers and refugees in preparing for and responding to biological disasters


Agenda Item 7 - Revision of the rules of procedure of the Committee of Permanent Correspondents

  • Rules of procedure of the Committee of Permanent Correspondents - AP/CAT(2007)32
  • Draft rules of procedure of the Committee of Permanent Correspondents of the enlarged partial agreement on the protection against major natural, technological and biological hazards and strengthening resilience in the face of disasters (EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement)  - AP/CAT(2021)02_enAP/CAT(2021)02_ru
  • Draft resolution of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on the enlarged partial agreement on the protection against major natural, technological and biological hazards and strengthening resilience in the face of disasters (EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement)  - AP/CAT(2021)03_en / AP/CAT(2021)03_ru
  • Draft revised statute of the enlarged partial agreement on the protection against major natural, technological and biological hazards and strengthening resilience in the face of disasters (EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement)  - AP/CAT(2021)04_enAP/CAT(2021)04_ru


Agenda Item 8 - Any Other Business

 Agenda Item 9 - Date and place of the next meeting