Building a Europe for and with children

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11.10.2013: Coinciding with today’s launch of the Parliamentary Assembly video: “13 year old Lisa, victim of sexual abuse” at the Cypriot event marking the start of a pilot project to strengthen national policies to stop sexual violence against children, the ONE in FIVE Campaign now has a new Facebook site.

The site, which will continue to be constructed with further uploads of audiovisual and other information, captures the many campaign events and items of interest that have occurred since the beginning of the campaign launch in 2010. It will give scope for charting the new launches and initiatives going on throughout Europe and beyond and invites the widest possible information sharing.

Link to the introductory announcement

Link to the Cyprus pilot project

Link to the Press release of the launch of the new video: “13 year old Lisa, victim of sexual abuse”

Links to the video via YouTube:





Link to the page : Council of Europe One in Five Campaign

Reminder: Follow us on : @CoE_children .