Budget Committee

Accueil - Comité du Budget

Meeting of 23-27 May 2016

1.    Opening of the meeting  
2. Procedure for the election of the Chair and Vice-Chair    
  - Procedure for the election of the Chair and Vice-Chair   P-Bud(2016)4
3. Adoption of the Agenda and Draft Annotated Agenda
  - Draft Agenda   P-Bud(2016)OJ1
  - Draft Annotated Agenda   P-Bud(2016)2
4. Examination of the report and the minutes of the October 2015 session    
  - Meeting report of the Budget Committee - October 2015 session   CM(2015)149
- Meeting minutes of the Budget Committee - October 2015 session P-Bud(2015)CR2
5. Recent developments concerning the Council of Europe and presentation of the Decisions and documents of the Committee of Ministers – Presentation by F.Dangel, Director General of Administration a.i.    
  Decisions and documents of the Committee of Ministers concerning the Budget Committee [October 2015 - May 2016]   P-Bud(2016)3
6. Exchange of views with Ms Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni, Deputy Secretary General    
7. Implementation of the Programme and Budget 2015    
  a. Consolidated Financial Statements and Budgetary Management Accounts for 2015 – unaudited – preliminary examination    
- Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2015 CM(2016)100
  - Budgetary Management Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2015 - Part 1 : budgets   CM(2016)100 add
  - Budgetary Management Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2015 - Part 2: special accounts   CM(2016)100 add2
  - Financial Statements and Budgetary Management Accounts of the Partial Agreement establishing the European Centre for Global Interdependence and Solidarity for the year ended 31 December 2015   CM(2016)101
  - Financial Statements and Budgetary Management Accounts of the Partial Agreement of the European Support Fund for the co-production and distribution of creative cinematographic and audio-visual works "Eurimages" for the year ended 31 December 2015   CM(2016)102
- Reconciliation of investments expenditure Presented in the financial statements and the budgetary management accounts P-Bud(2016)12
  Exchange of views with the Representatives of the Najwyższa Izba Kontroli (NIK), Poland, External Auditor: Mr Pawel Banás, Ms Katarzyna Suwała, Ms Magdalena Buchwald    
  b. 2015 progress review report    
- Council of Europe Progress Review Report CM/Inf(2016)10
  - Extract of the Results Based Budgeting (RBB) database   DPFL(2016)44
8. Exchange of views with Mr R. Liddell, Registrar of the European Court of Human Rights
9. Exchange of views with Mr A. Kiefer, Secretary General of the Congress of local and regional authorities of the Council of Europe    
10. Special accounts - situations as at 31 March 2016 P-Bud(2016)10
11. Programme and Budget 2016-2017    
  a. Presentation of changes made by the Deputies to the draft Budgets 2016 and 2017 before approval   P-Bud(2016)13
  b. Adjustments to the 2016 and 2017 investment plans   P-Bud(2016)6
c. Adjustments to the 2016 budget  
  d. Implementation of the 2016 budget   P-Bud(2016)14 and P-Bud(2016)15
12. Changes to Financial Regulations   P-Bud(2016)5
13. Implementation of the programme of investments: exchange of views with Mr Francis Dangel, Director General of Administration a.i. and Mr  Anatoly Egoshkin, Director of Logistics    
  - Buildings: information on the Capital Master Plan    
  - IT: information on the IT governance Board    
14. Update on EDQM : exchange of views with Ms Susanne Keitel, Director of EDQM    
  - Development of operations during Quarter1 2016    
  - Development of bad debts   P-Bud(2016)7
  - Update on the secondary site    
  - Segmental information on the EDQM in IPSAS terms for 2014 and 2015   P-Bud(2016)8
15. Human Resources - exchange of views with Mr Francis Dangel, Director of Human Resources and M. Bernard Job, Head of the Department for the Administrative, Social and Financial Management of Staff    
  a. Contractual Policy   CM(2016)41
  b. Staff statistics    
c. Allowances payable to newly recruited staff  
16. EU’s new contractual arrangement (PAGODA) P-Bud(2016)9
17. Draft meeting report of the Budget Committee – May 2016 session    
    - Meeting report of the Budget Committee – May 2016 session   P-Bud(2016)11
18. Date, place and agenda of the next meeting    
19. 19. Other business    

Meeting of 12-16 October 2015

1.    Opening of the meeting  
2. Adoption of the Agenda and Draft Annotated Agenda    
  - Draft Agenda   P-Bud(2015)OJ2
  - Draft Annotated Agenda   P-Bud(2015)16
3. Examination of the report and the minutes of the May 2015 session    
  - Meeting report of the Budget Committee - May 2015 session   CM(2015)92
  - Meeting minutes of the Budget Committee - May 2015 session   P-Bud(2015)CR1
4. Recent developments concerning the Council of Europe - Statement by Ms Ute Dahremöller, Director General of Administration    
5. Presentation of the Decisions and documents of the Committee of Ministers [May-October 2015]   P-Bud(2015)15
6. Programme and Budget 2014-2015    
  a. Consolidated Financial Statements and Budgetary Management Accounts for 2014   CM(2015)100
CM(2015)100 Add
- Exchange of views with the Representatives of the Najwyższa Izba Kontroli (NIK), Poland, External Auditor: Mr Pawel Banás, Ms Katarzyna Suwała, Ms Magdalena Buchwald (confirmed)
  b. Mid-term review 2015    
  - Examination of the 2015 Interim Progress Review Report   CM/Inf(2015)19
  c. Carry forward from 2015 to 2016   P-Bud(2015)27
7. Programme and Budget 2016-2017    
- Draft Programme and Budget CM(2015)130
  - Calculation of the level of contributions of member States to the 2016 and 2017 Draft Ordinary Budget   P-Bud(2015)17
  - Exchange of views with Ms Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni, Deputy Secretary General (confirmed)    
  - Exchange of views with Mr Gianluca Esposito, Head of Equality and Human Dignity Department on Equality and diversity - GREVIO (confirmed)    
  - Exchange of views with Mr Philippe Boillat, General Director of Human Rifhts and Rule of Law (confirmed) and Ms Geneviève Mayer (confirmed), Head of the Department of the "Execution of Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights", DG1 on Execution of Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights    
  - Exchange of views with Mr Patrick Penninckx, Head of the Information Society Department, DG1 on Information society and Internet Governance (confirmed)    
  - Exchange of views with Ms Susanne Keitel, Director of the EDQM on EDQM budget and investment budget; secondary site   P-Bud(2015)20
8. Investments    
  Implementation of the revised definition of investments including changes in Financial Regulations   P-Bud(2015)18
9. Special Accounts    
  - Analysis of the Special Accounts: Situation at 30 June 2015   P-Bud(2015)21
10. Methodology of calculation of fixed rates contributions of Partial Agreements to the Ordinary Budget   P-Bud(2015)22
11. Exchange of views with Mr Francis Dangel, Director of Human Resources    
  a. Statistics - staff
including number of contracts extended after 5 years
12. Exchange of views with the Rapporteur Group on Programme, Budget and Administration (GR-PBA)    
13. Draft meeting report of the Budget Committee - October 2015 session    
  - Meeting report of the Budget Committee - October 2015 session   P-Bud(2015)24
14. Date, place and agenda of the next meetings    
15. Other business    
  - Revision of the 2015 budget of the Enlarged Agreement on Co-operation Group to combat drug abuse and illicit trafficking in drugs (Pompidou Group)   P-Bud(2015)19
  - Budgetary Situation: Ordinary Budget - Situation at 31 August 2015   P-Bud(2015)25
  - Budgetary Situation: Partial Agreements - Situation at 31 August 2015   P-Bud(2015)26

Meeting of 18 - 22 May 2015

1.    Opening of the meeting  
2. Election of the Chair and Vice-Chair
  - Procedure for the election of the Chair and Vice-Chair   P-Bud(2015)4
3. Adoption of the Agenda and Draft annotated Agenda    
  - Draft agenda   P-Bud(2015)OJ1
  - Draft annotated Agenda   P-Bud(2015)2
4. Examination of the report and the minutes of the September 2014 meeting    
  - Meeting report of the Budget Committee - September 2014 session   CM(2014)122
  - Meeting minutes of the Budget Committee - September 2014 session   P-Bud(2014)CR2
5. Recent developments concerning the Council of Europe and presentation of the Decisions and documents of the Committee of Ministers - Presentation by Ms Ute Dahremöller, Director General of Administration    
  Decisions and documents of the Committee of Ministers concerning the Budget Committee [September 2014 - May 2015]   P-Bud(2015)1
P-Bud(2015)1 add
  Presentation by Mr Shahin Lauritzen of the documents on "Long-term budgetary sustainability and efficiency of the Organisation"   GR-PBA(2014)16
6. Implementation of the Programme and Budget 2014    
  a. Consolidated Financial Statements and Budgetary Management Accounts for 2014 - unaudited - preliminary examination    
  - Consolidated Financial Statements of the Council of Europe for the year ended 31 December 2014   CM(2015)100
  - Budgetary Management Accounts of the Council of Europe for the year ended 31 December 2014   CM(2015)100 add
  - Financial Statements and Budgetary Management Accounts of the Partial Agreement establishing the European Centre for Global Interdependence and Solidarity for the year ended 31 December  2014   CM(2015)101
  - Financial Statements and Budgetary Management Accounts of the Partial Agreement of the European Support Fund for the co-production and distribution of creative cinematographic and audio-visual works "Eurimages" for the year ended 31 December  2014   CM(2015)102
  b. 2014 Progress Review Report    
  - Council of Europe Progress Review Report 2014   CM/Inf(2015)6
  - Progress Review Report 2014: Results Based Budgeting (RBB) 2014   DPFL(2015)76
7. Special accounts - situations as at 31 December 2014 and as at 31 March 2015   P-Bud(2015)3
8. Investments    
  - Reviewing the definition for capital investment   P-Bud(2015)7
  - Setting up of a Capital Investment Fund    
  - Capital Budgeting methodology    
  - Buildings investments (Capital Master Plan)    
  - IT Investments    
9. Programme and Budget 2016-2017 - priorities of the Secretary General    
  - Priorities for 2016-2017 and their budgetary implications   CM(2015)81
10. Meeting with Mr Ansgar Eussner, Director of Internal Oversight    
  - Annual report 2014 of the Directorate of Internal Oversight [1224 meeting]   CM(2015)35
  - Allocation of the proceeds from the Administrative levy    
11. Update on EDQM - Exchange of views with Ms Suzanne Keitel, Director of the EDQM    
  - Segmental information on the EDQM in IPSAS terms for 2014   P-Bud(2015)8
- Comment for 2014 and first part of 2015
  - Development of Bad Debts   EDQM(2015)1
  - Secondary site    
  - Sale of the Meinau Building    
12. Human Resources - exchange of views with Mr Francis Dangel, Director of Human Resources and Mr Bernard Job, Head of the Department for the Administrative, Social and Financial Management of Staff    
  a. Staff statistics    
  b. Future years developments    
13. Update on the latest management developments    
  - Further improvement to the RBB methodology    
14. Exchange of views with Ms Hanne Juncher, Head of Department Justice and Legal Co-operation and Ms Maria-José Gomez-Gascon, Head of Division I, DGI, on the programme line "Independence and Efficiency of Justice"    
15. Draft meeting report of the Budget Committee - May 2015 session    
  - Meeting report of the Budget Committee - May 2015 session   P-Bud(2015)9
16. Confirmation of the date and place of the next meeting    
17. Other business    
  - General information on the Council of Europe model of Scale of Contribution    
  - IT Governance Board    
  - IT investments in the Execution of Judgments department   P-Bud(2015)6
  - IT investments in the area of Programme and Project Management   P-Bud(2015)10
  - Other issues proposed by members    
  - Budgetary situation at 30 April 2015. Information on the implementation of the 2015 Budget and on Partial Agreements 2015   P-Bud(2015)11

Meeting of 15-19 September 2014

1. Opening of the meeting
2. Adoption of the Agenda and Draft annotated Agenda    
  - Draft Agenda   P-Bud(2014)OJ2
  - Draft Annotated Agenda   P-Bud(2014)16
3. Examination of the Report and the Minutes of the June 2014 meeting    
  - Meeting Report of the Budget Committee - June 2014 session   CM(2014)86
  - Meeting Minutes of the Budget Committee - June 2014 session   P-Bud(2014)CR1
4. Presentation of the decisions and documents of the Committee of Ministers [June - September 2014]   P-Bud(2014)15
5. Programme and budget 2012-2013    
  - Consolidated Financial Statements and Budgetary Management Accounts for 2013   CM(2014)100
CM(2014)100 add
  - Exchange of views with Mr Christophe Rosenau, External Auditor    
6. Budgetary situation 2014    
  - Update on the implementation of the budget for 2014   P-Bud(2014)17
  - Examination of the 2014 Interim Progress Review Report   CM/Inf(2014)19
7. Special Accounts    
  - Special Accounts: situation at 30 June 2014   P-Bud(2014)19
8. Draft Budget for 2015    
- Programme and Buget 2014-2015 - adjustments to 2015 CM(2014)130
  - Programme and Buget 2014-2015 - adjustments to 2015 - list of proposals   P-Bud(2014)26
  - 2015 Budgetary scenarios based on the CRR salary adjustment recommendations   P-Bud(2014)27
9. Internal Oversight and Evaluation    
  - Annual report of the Directorate of Internal Oversight and Evaluation policy   CM(2014)72
  - Exchange of views with Mr Ansgar Eussner, Director    
10. Exchange of views with the new External Auditor
11. Implementation of the 2014 Investment Plan    
  - Adjustment to the 2014 Programme   P-Bud(2014)23
  - 2014 Investment projects report   P-Bud(2014)25
12. Update on the latest developments    
  Management reporting, RBB methodology, ODA    
13. Exchange of views with    
- Ms Isil Gachet, Director of the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights, on the activities of the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights
- Mr Sixto Molina, Head of the Support Team to the Special Representative of the Secretary General for Roma Issues, on the activities of the Secretary General for Roma Issues
14. Recent developments concerning the European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines and Healthcare (EDQM, Pharmacopeia)    
- Exchange of views with Ms Keitel, Director of the EDQM  
  - The Secretary General's proposal for the EDQM contingency plan - creation of a secondary site for storage and distriubtion of reference standards   P-Bud(2014)22
  - EDQM secondary site location. Location assessment final report (Buck Consultants International)   P-Bud(2014)24
  - EDQM secondary site location. Additional location assessment report. Addendum to final report (Buck Consultants International)   P-Bud(2014)24 Addendum
15. Informal discussion on the Secretary General's proposal on long term budgetary sustainability and efficiency    
  - Long term budgetary sustainability and efficiency of the Council of Europe   SG/Inf(2014)25
  - Paper for the Budget Committee's discussion of the Secretary General's information document on Long term budgetary sustainability and efficiency of the Council of Europe (SG/Inf(2014)25)   Members(2014)2
  - Synopsis, Meeting of 19 June 2014, Rapporteur Group on Programme, Budget and Administration   GR-PBA(2014)CB4 revised
  - Memorandum on financing by internal loans   P-Bud(2005)5
16. Financial Regulations    
  - Legal opinion on the interpretation of Article 25, paragraph 6 of the Financial Regulations   P-Bud(2014)20
17. Exchange of views with the Rapporteur Group on Programme, Budget and Administration (GR-PBA)    
18. Draft meeting report of the Budget Committee - September 2014 session    
  - Meeting report of the Budget Committee - September 2014 session   P-Bud(2014)21
19. Date, place and agenda of the meetings for 2015    
20. Other business    

Meeting of 2-6 June 2014

1. Opening of the meeting
2. Election of the Chair and Vice-Chair  
  - Procedure for the election of the Chair and Vice-Chair   P-Bud(2014)4
3. Adoption of the Agenda and Draft annotated Agenda    
  - Draft agenda   P-Bud(2014)OJ1
  - Draft Annotated Agenda   P-Bud(2014)2
4. Examination of the report and the minutes of the September 2013 meeting    
  - Meeting report of the Budget Committee - September 2013 session   CM(2013)113
  - Meeting Minutes of the Budget Committee - September 2013 session   P-Bud(2013)CR2
5. Recent developments concerning the Council of Europe and presentation of the Decisions and documents of the Committee of Ministers - Presentation by Ms Ute Dahremöller, Director General of Administration    
  Decisions and documents of the Committee of Ministers concerning the Budget Committee [September 2013 - May 2014]   P-Bud(2014)3
      P-Bud(2014)3 Addendum
6. Implementation of the Programme and Budget 2013    
  a. Consolidated Financial Statements and Budgetary Management Accounts for 2013 - unaudited - preliminary examination    
  - Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2013   CM(2014)100
  - Budgetary Management Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2013   CM(2014)100 add.
  - Financial Statements and Budgetary Management Accounts of the Partial Agreement establishing the European Centre for Global Interdependence and Solidarity for the year ended 31 December 2013   CM(2014)101
  - Financial Statements and Budgetary Management Accounts of the Partial Agreement of the European Support Fund for the co-production and distribution of creative cinematographic and audio-visual works "Eurimages" for the year ended 31 December 2013   CM(2014)102
  b. 2013 Progress review report    
  - Council of Europe Progress Review Report 2013   CM/Inf(2014)10
  - Progress Review Report 2013: Resultats Based Budgeting (RBB) 2013   DPFL(2014)108
7. Special Accounts  
  - Special accounts - situation at 31 December 2013   CM(2014)73
  - Special accounts - situation as at 31 March 2014   P-Bud(2014)11
8. Programme and Budget 2014-2015    
  a. Presentation of changes made by the Deputies to the draft Budgets 2014 and 2015 before approval including changes resulting from the implementation of the Agora scheme   P-Bud(2014)6
  b. Budgetary situation 2014: information on the implementation of the 2014 budget: information on significant transfers   P-Bud(2014)7
  c. Adjustments to the 2015 budget   CM(2014)130
9. Pension reserve Fund: 3 year report to the Committee of Ministers   CM(2014)3
10. Update on EDQM    
  - Segmental information on the EDQM in IPSAS terms for 2012 and 2013   P-Bud(2014)5
11. Investment plan: management methodology and proposals in respect of unfunded projects   P-Bud(2014)8
  - In-house guide to managing special accounts   P-Bud(2014)14
12. Human Resources - exchange of views with Mr Francis Dangel, Director of Human Resources    
  a. Contractual Policy   CM(2014)56
  b. Reform of pensions    
  c Staff statistics   P-Bud(2014)12
13. Update on the latest management developments    
  a. Enhanced quarterly reporting    
  b. Further improvement to the RBB methodology    
  c. Council of Europe Enterprise Resource Planning System Strategy    
14. Draft meeting report of the Budget Committee - June 2014 session    
  - Meeting report of the Budget Committee - June 2014 session   P-Bud(2014)9
15. Date, place and agenda of the next meeting    
16. Other business    

Meeting of 16-20 September 2013

1.    Opening of the meeting
2. Adoption of the Agenda and Draft Annotated Agenda    
  - Draft Agenda   P-Bud(2013)OJ2 rev
- Draft Annotated Agenda P-Bud(2013)22 rev
3. Examination of the report and the minutes of the May 2013 session    
- Meeting report of the Budget Committee - May 2013 session CM(2013)63
  - Meeting Minutes of the Budget Committee - May 2013 session   P-Bud(2013)CR1
4. Recent developments concerning the Council of Europe - Statement by Ms Ute Dahremöller, Director General of Administration
5. Presentation of the Decisions and documents of the Committee of Ministers [May - September 2013] P-Bud(2013)24
6. Programme and Budget 2012-2013
  a. Consolidated Financial Statements and Budgetary Management Accounts for 2012   CM(2013)100
CM(2013)100 add
  - Exchange of views with Mr Christophe Rosenau, External Auditor    
b. Mid-term review 2013
  - Examination of the 2013 Interim Progress Review Report   CM/Inf(2013)28
7. Programme and Budget 2014-2015    
  - Draft Programme and Budget   CM(2013)130
  - Draft Programme and Budget 2014-2015 – changes in comparison with the Priorities document   P-Bud(2013)31
  - Draft Budget for 2014 by expenditure type – Ordinary Budget   P-Bud(2013)34
  - Draft Budget for 2014 by expenditure type – Partial Agreements   P-Bud(2013)35
  - Exchange of views with Ms Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni, Deputy Secretary General    
  - Exchange of views with:
Mr Philippe Boillat, Director General of Human Rights and Legal Affairs – DGI on the Enhancing the effectiveness of the ECHR system at National and European level and Independence and Efficiency of Justice  
Ms Snezana Samardzic-Markovic, Director General of Democracy – DGII on Promoting Democratic Competencies 
  Exchange of views with Ms Ute Dahremöller, Director General of Administration: investment budget    
  - Investment plan 2014-2017 - Ordinary Budget   CM(2013)130, Appendix V
  - Unfunded Investment Projects   P-Bud(2013)33
  - Replacement of the voting system of the Assembly Chamber of the Palais de l’Europe   P-Bud(2013)32
- 2013 Investment projects report P-Bud(2013)27
  - Pharmacopoeia - information documents   P-Bud(2013)28
  - Pharmacopoeia - Annual Report   Link to document
  - Pharmacopoeia - Medium Term Operational and Financial Strategy 2012-2015   Link to document
8. Internal Oversight
  - Annual report of the Directorate of Internal Oversight and Evaluation policy   CM(2013)91
  - Exchange of views with Mr Ansgar Eussner, Director    
9. Special accounts    
  - Analysis of the Special Accounts: Situation at 30 June 2013   P-Bud(2013)30
10. Administrative levy on extra-budgetary resources P-Bud(2013)23
11. Financial Regulations - Proposed amendments   P-Bud(2013)26
12. Human Resources
  a. Exchange of views with Mr Francis Dangel, Director of Human Resources    
  b. Statistics - staff   P-Bud(2013)25
  c. Revision of the Contractual Policy   CM(2013)75
  d. Use of the "Van Breda" account    
  e. Reform of the Council of Europe's pension schemes    
13. Exchange of views with the Rapporteur Group on Programme, Budget and Administration (GR-PBA)
14. Draft meeting report of the Budget Committee - September 2013 session
  - Meeting report of the Budget Committee - September 2013 session   CM(2013)113
15. Date, place and agenda of the next meeting
16. Other business

Meeting of 13-17 May 2013

1.    Opening of the meeting
2. Election of the Chair and Vice-Chair
  - Procedure for the election of the Chair and Vice-Chair   P-Bud(2013)1®
3. Adoption of the Agenda
- Draft Agenda P-Bud(2013)OJ1 rev
  - Draft Annotated Agenda   P-Bud(2013)2 ®
4. Examination of the report and the minutes of the September 2012 session
  - Meeting report of the Budget Committee – September 2012 session   CM(2012)131®


- Meeting Minutes of the Budget Committee – September 2012 session



5. Recent developments concerning the Council of Europe - Statement by Ms Ute Dahremöller, Director General of Administration
6. Presentation of the Decisions and documents of the Committee of Ministers
  Decisions and documents of the Committee of Ministers concerning the Budget Committee [September 2012-May 2013] [- Conditions of service of Judges of the European Court of Human Rights and of the Commissioner for Human Rights. - Rules concerning the reimbursement of travel and subsistence expenses to government experts and other persons travelling at the charge of Council of Europe budgets. - Financing of exceptional security measures. - Reform of the Council of Europe’s pension schemes: implementation - Implementation of the “Agora scheme”. - Notification of significant Ordinary Budget transfer. - Financial arrangements for the participation of non-member States in Council of Europe conventions. - Official Development Assistance (ODA) eligibility. - Co-ordinated Committee on Remuneration (CCR) recommendations. - Programme and Budget 2012-2013 – adjustments to 2013 - Special accounts]   P-Bud(2013)3®
7. Special accounts    
  - Special accounts - situation at 31 December 2012   CM(2013)27®
  - In-house guide to managing special accounts   P-Bud(2013)11®
8. Programme and Budget 2012-2013    
a. Adjustments to 2013    
- Presentation of changes made by the Deputies to the draft Budget 2013 before its approval P-Bud(2013)4®
  b. Implementation of 2012    
  - Council of Europe Progress Review Report 2012   CM/Inf(2013)4rev®
- Progress Review Report 2012: Results Based Budgeting:
(RBB) 2012
  - Additional segmental information on the EDQM in IPSAS terms for 2011 and 2012   P-Bud(2013)13®
  Exchange of views with Mr Philippe Boillat, Director General of Human Rights and Legal Affairs – DGI on the Programme lines Execution of Judgements of the ECHR and Enhancing the effectiveness of the ECHR at national and European level    
  Exchange of views with Ms Suzanne Keitel, Director of the EDQM    
  c. Consolidated Financial Statements and Budgetary Management Accounts for 2012 – unaudited – preliminary examination    
  - Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2012   CM(2013)100®
  - Budgetary Management Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2012   CM(2013)100add®
  - Financial Statements and Budgetary Management Accounts of the Partial Agreement establishing the European Centre for Global Interdependence and Solidarity for the year ended 31 December 2012   CM(2013)101®
  - Financial Statements and Budgetary Management Accounts of the Partial Agreement of the European Support Fund for the co-production and distribution of creative cinematographic and audio-visual works "Eurimages" for the year ended 31 December 2012   CM(2013)102®
  d. Mid-term review 2013    
  - Examination of a proposed revised format for the 2013 Interim Progress Review Report   P-Bud(2013)5®
9. Programme and Budget 2014-2015 – priorities of the Secretary General    
  Exchange of views with Ms Gabriela Battaini-Dragoni, Deputy Secretary General    
  - Priorities for 2014-2015 and their budgetary implications   CM(2013)47rev®
  - Decisions and documents of the Committee of Ministers concerning the Budget Committee [September 2012-May 2013]   P-Bud(2013)3®
10. Human Resources - exchange of views with Mr Francis Dangel, Director of Human Resources    
  a. Contractual Policy    
  b. Salary ceiling as an active management tool    
c. Staff statistics
  - Staff data   P-Bud(2013)8®
  d. Pensions    
  - Reform of the Council of Europe's pension schemes: implementation    
11. Actuarial study: revised contribution rate to the pension reserve fund
  - Actuarial study   P-Bud(2013)10®
  Exchange of views with Mr Eric Gires, Technical Director, SIRP    
12. Partial Agreements
  - Partial and Enlarged Agreements – Modalities of withdrawal   P-Bud(2013)6®
  - Revision of the 2013 budget of the enlarged agreement on the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission)   P-Bud(2013)12®
  - Partial and Enlarged Agreements - Summary of Accessions to and Withdrawals from   P-Bud(2013)14®
13. Administrative levy on extra-budgetary resources
14. Draft meeting report of the Budget Committee - May 2013 session
  - Meeting report of the Budget Committee - May 2013 session   CM(2013)63®
15. Date, place and agenda of the next meeting
16. Other business


  - Example of revised objectives   P-Bud(2013)16®
  - Special Accounts - Summary at 31 March 2013   P-Bud(2013)17®
  - Budgetary situation (Ordinary Budget) as of 31 December 2012   P-Bud(2013)19®
  - Staff - Entries and departure (2007-2012)   P-Bud(2013)20®
  - Administrative levy on extra-budgetary resources - benchmarking   P-Bud(2013)21®
  - Measures to improve the execution of the judgments and decisions of the Court   GT-REF.ECHR(2013)2 rev2®

Meeting of 24-28 September 2012






Opening of the meeting




Adoption of the Agenda and of the Order of Business




- Draft Agenda




Examination of the report and minutes of the May 2012 session




- Meeting Report of the Budget Committee – May 2012 session


CM(2012)90 ®


- Meeting Minutes of the Budget Committee – May 2012 session


P-Bud(2012)CR1 ®


Presentation of the new website of the Budget Committee




Statement by the Director General of Administration, Ms Ute Dahremöller




- Decisions and documents of the Committee of Ministers concerning the Budget Committee [September 2011-May 2012]


P-Bud(2012)6 ®


- Decisions of the Committee of Ministers concerning the Budget Committee [May-September 2012]


P-Bud(2012)25 ®






Implementation of 2012




- Council of Europe Interim Progress Review Report 2012


CM/Inf(2012)25 ®


- Budgetary situation (Ordinary Budget) as of 31 August 2012


P-Bud(2012)23 ®


- Modifications to the 2012 and 2013 investment programme


P-Bud(2012)26 ®

  - Notification of significant Ordinary Budget transfer   CM/Inf(2012)28 ®


- Decisions and documents of the Committee of Ministers concerning the Budget Committee [September 2011-May 2012]


P-Bud(2012)6 ®


- Decisions of the Committee of Ministers concerning the Budget Committee [May-September 2012]


P-Bud(2012)25 ®


Adjustments to 2013




- Programme and Budget 2012-2013 – adjustments to 2013 (i.a. the North-South Centre)


CM(2012)130 ®


- Programme and Budget 2012-2013 – carry forward from 2012 to 2013


CM(2012)128prov ®


- Modifications to the 2012 and 2013 investment programme


P-Bud(2012)26 ®

  - Document distributed at the request of Austria, Estonia, Germany, Latvia, Poland, Switzerland and United Kingdom (English only)   DD(2012)667 ®
  - Replies of the Secretary General to the joint proposals by Austria, Estonia, Germany, Latvia, Poland, Switzerland and the United Kingdom concerning the 2013 budget   DD(2012)788 ®
  - Decisions of the Committee of Ministers concerning the Budget Committee   P-Bud(2011)18 ®


- Decisions and documents of the Committee of Ministers concerning the Budget Committee [September 2011-May 2012]


P-Bud(2012)6 ®


- Decisions of the Committee of Ministers concerning the Budget Committee [May-September 2012]


P-Bud(2012)25 ®






Exchange of views with Mr Christophe Rosenau, External auditor




- Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2011


CM(2012)100 ®


- Budgetary Management Accounts of the Council of Europe for the year ended 31 December 2011


CM(2012)100 add ®


- Financial Statements and Budgetary Management Accounts of the Partial Agreement establishing the European Centre for Global Interdependence and Solidarity for the year ended 31 December 2011


CM(2012)101 ®


- Financial Statements and Budgetary Management Accounts of the Partial Agreement of the European Support Fund for the co-production and distribution of creative cinematographic and audio-visual works "Eurimages" for the year ended 31 December 2011


CM(2012)102 ®

  - Consolidated Financial Statements and Budgetary Management Accounts of the Council of Europe for the year ended 31 December 2011 – Follow up to the Report of the External Auditor   CM(2012)103 ®
CM(2013)103 corr ®


Exchange of views with Mr Ansgar Eussner, Director of Internal Oversight




- Annual report 2011 of the Directorate of Internal Oversight


CM(2012)84 ®






Human Resources issues: latest developments in respect of:




a. Reform of the pension schemes




b. Contractual Policy - use of fixed term contracts




c. Payment of salaries - payment dates for permanent and non-permanent staff




d. Development of staff figures/number [2011 – 2012 – 2013]




e. Salary ceiling as an active management tool








Exchange of views with the Rapporteurs Group on Programme, Budget and Administration (GR-PBA)




Preparation of the Seminar on Result Based Budgeting - Objectives, Expected Results and Performance Indicators




- Programme




European Youth Foundation




Situation of the North-South Centre



  - Evaluation of the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe (English only)   P-Bud(2012)24 ®






Draft meeting report of the Budget Committee – September  2012 session




- Meeting report of the Budget Committee –September  2012 session


CM(2012)131 ®


Date, place and agenda of the next meeting




Other business





  Staff data   P-Bud(2012)29 ®
  Summary of accessions to and withdrawals from Partial Agreements Situation on 24 September 2012   P-Bud(2012)30 ®
  Improvements to the production of financial information: proposed changes to structures and processes (Ernst&Young)   P-Bud(2012)31 ®
  Request from the ECHR   P-Bud(2012)32 ®
  Discount rate   P-Bud(2012)33 ®
  Audit Committee - Annual report 1 May 2011 through 30 June 2012 [1153 meeting]   CM(2012)126 ®
  Programme and Budget 2012-2013: Subordinate Intergovernmental Committees   CM(2012)91rev ®
  Proposal by the Secretary General - Reform proposed new set-up for intergovernmental structures   SG/Inf(2011)9 FINAL ®

Meeting of 21-25 May 2012

1 Opening of the meeting    
2 Election of the Chair and Vice-Chair    
  - Procedure for the election of the Chair and Vice-Chair   P-Bud(2012)5 ®
3 Adoption of the Agenda and approval of the Order of Business    
  - Agenda   P-Bud(2012)OJ1
  - Annotated Agenda   P-Bud(2012)4 ®
4 Examination of the report of the September 2011 session    
  - Meeting report of the Budget Committee – September 2011 session   CM(2011)123 ®
5 Recent developments concerning the Council of Europe - Statement by Ms Ute Dahremöller, Director General of Administration    
  - Decisions of the Committee of Ministers concerning the Budget Committee [May-September 2011]   P-Bud(2011)18 ®
  - Decisions and documents of the Committee of Ministers concerning the Budget Committee [September 2011-May 2012]   P-Bud(2012)6 ®
  - Meeting report of the Budget Committee – September 2011 session   CM(2011)123 ®
  - Working methods of the Budget Committee   P-Bud(2011)21 ®
  - Financial regulations and supplementary provisions of the Council of Europe   DPFL 30/06/2011 ®
6 Implementation of the 2011 Programme and Budget    
  - Council of Europe Progress Review Report 2011   CM/Inf(2012)9 ®
  - Budgetary Management Accounts of the Council of Europe for the year ended 31 December 2011   CM(2012)100 add ®
  - Progress Review Report 2011: Results Based Budgeting
(RBB) 2011
  DPFL(2012)67 ®
  - Meeting report of the Budget Committee – May 2011 Session, paras 8 to 15   CM(2011)69 ®
  - Final financial position at 31/12/2011
Additional information to P-Bud(2011)20: Budgetary situation – ordinary budget as at 31 August 2011
  P-Bud(2012)10 ®
7 Consolidated Financial statements and Budgetary Management accounts for 2011 – documents not yet audited    
  - Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2011   CM(2012)100 ®
  - Budgetary Management Accounts of the Council of Europe for the year ended 31 December 2011   CM(2012)100 add ®
  - Financial Statements and Budgetary Management Accounts of the Partial Agreement establishing the European Centre for Global Interdependence and Solidarity for the year ended 31 December 2011   CM(2012)101 ®
  - Financial Statements and Budgetary Management Accounts of the Partial Agreement of the European Support Fund for the co-production and distribution of creative cinematographic and audio-visual works "Eurimages" for the year ended 31 December 2011   CM(2012)102 ®
8 Office of the Director General of Programmes - Exchange of views on recent developments with Ms Claudia Luciani, Deputy to the Director General    
  - Mandate of the new Directorate General of Programmes  

P-Bud(2012)12 ®

  - Council of Europe Progress Review Report 2011   CM/Inf(2012)9 ®
  - Budgetary Management Accounts of the Council of Europe for the year ended 31 December 2011   CM(2012)100 add ®
  - Programme and Budget 2012-2013 – Summary of changes made by the Deputies to the draft before its approval   P-Bud(2012)7 ®
9 Programme and Budget 2012-2013    
  - Council of Europe Programme and Budget 2012-2013   CM(2012)1 ®
  - Decisions and documents of the Committee of Ministers concerning the Budget Committee [September 2011-May 2012]   P-Bud(2012)6 ®
a. Presentation of changes made by the Deputies to the draft budget 2012-2013 before its approval    
  - Programme and Budget 2012-2013 – Summary of changes made by the Deputies to the draft before its approval   P-Bud(2012)7 ®
b. Adjustments to 2013    
  -Programme and Budget 2012-2013 – adjustments to 2013
(i.a. the North-South Centre)
  CM(2012)130 ®
10 Late Payment interest on unpaid contributions    
  - Late payment interest on unpaid contributions   P-Bud(2012)11 ®
11 Human Resources - exchange of views with Mr Francis Dangel, Director of Human Resources    
a. Reform of the pension system    
  - Meeting report of the Budget Committee – September  2011 session, paras 68 to 75   CM(2011)123 ®
  - Pension Reform - Reform of the Council of Europe’s pension schemes: Secretary General’s proposals for reform of the Council of Europe’s pension schemes   CM(2012)20 ®
  - Pension Reform: Reform of the Council of Europe's pension schemes – Legal Opinion by the Directorate of Legal Advice and Public International Law   CM(2012)20add ®
  - Pension Reform: allocation of the proceeds of the sale of the
  CM(2012)19 ®
  - Pension Reform - allocation of the proceeds of the sale of the B-building, Information document   CM(2012)19add ®
  - Pension Reform: opinion of the Chair of the Budget Committee   DD(2012)175 ®
  - Pension Reform: written contribution from the Staff Committee   DD(2012)382 ®
  - Pension Reform: letter from the President of the European Court of Human Rights   DD(2012)386 ®
  - Pension Reform: Draft proposals from 14 member states   DD(2012)317 rev ®
  - Pension Reform: Information on early pensions  

GR-PBA(2012)14 ®

  - Comparison table of main pension schemes currently in force in international organisations   GR-PBA(2012)15 ®
  - Decisions and documents of the Committee of Ministers concerning the Budget Committee [September 2011-May 2012]   P-Bud(2012)6 ®
b. Staffing: development of number of staff and staff costs, ratios, etc.    
c. Contractual Policy: use of fixed term contracts    
d. Payment of salaries: payment dates for permanent and non-permanent staff    
e. Vacancy rates    
  - Proposal of Adjustment of the Technical Abatement Rate   P-Bud(2012)16 ®
12 Exchange of views with Mr Erik Fribergh, Registrar of the European Court of Human Rights    
  Adjustment to the 2012 Budget of the European Court of Human Rights   P-Bud(2012)13 ®
13 Exchange of views with Ms Susanne Keitel, Director of the European Pharmacopoeia – EDQM    
  - Meeting report of the Budget Committee – September  2011 session, paras. 5, 11-13, 58-63, 82 and 100   CM(2011)123 ®
  - EDQM Medium Term Financial and Operational Strategy 2012-2015   Document ®
  - Budgetary Management Accounts of the Council of Europe for the year ended 31 December 2011 – pages 54-61 (EDQM’s Budgetary Management Accounts)   CM(2012)100 add ®
  - Additional segmental information on the EDQM in IPSAS terms for 2010 and 2011   P-Bud(2012)9 ®
  - Resolution CM/Res(2011)12 concerning the budgetary management accounts of the European Pharmacopoeia for the year ended 31 December 2010   CM/Res(2011)12 ®
  - Decisions and documents of the Committee of Ministers concerning the Budget Committee [September 2011-May 2012]   P-Bud(2012)6 ®
  - Final Report on a Risk Analysis and Contingency Plan    
14 Developments concerning Partial Agreements    
  - Developments concerning the Partial Agreements   P-Bud(2012)14 ®
15 Preparation of the seminar on RBB/RBM in September    
  - Preparation of the seminar on “Objectives, expected results and performance indicators”   P-Bud(2012)8 ®
16 Draft meeting report of the Budget Committee – May 2012 session    
  - Meeting report of the Budget Committee – May 2012 session    CM(2012)90 ®
17 Other business    

Meeting of 19-23 September 2011


Opening of the meeting




- Draft Annotated Agenda




- Decisions of the Committee of Ministers concerning the Budget Committee [November to April 2011]


P-Bud(2011)11 ®


- Decisions of the Committee of Ministers concerning the Budget Committee [May to September 2011]


P-Bud(2011)18 ®


- Report of the May 2011 meeting


CM(2011)69 ®


- Financial Regulations and Supplementary Provisions of the Council of Europe


DPFL 30/06/2011 ®


Consolidated Financial statements and Budgetary Management accounts for 2010




- Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2010


CM(2011)100 ®


- Budgetary Management Accounts of the Council of Europe for the year ended 31 December 2010


CM(2011)100 add ®

  - Financial Statements and Budgetary Management Accounts of the Partial Agreement establishing the European Centre for Global Interdependence and Solidarity for the year ended 31 December 2010   CM(2011)101 ®
  - Financial Statements and Budgetary Management Accounts of the Partial Agreement of the European Support Fund for the co-production and distribution of creative cinematographic and audio-visual works "Eurimages" for the year ended 31 December 2010  

CM(2011)102 ®

  - Consolidated Financial Statements and Budgetary Management Accounts of the Council of Europe for the year ended 31 December 2010 – Follow up to the Report of the External Auditor - Memorandum of the Secretary General   CM(2011)103 ®
  - Financial Statements and Budgetary Management Accounts of the Partial Agreement of the European Support Fund for the co-production and distribution of creative cinematographic and audio-visual works "Eurimages" for the year ended 31 December 2010 - Follow up to the Report of the External Auditor - Memorandum of the Secretary General   CM(2011)103 add ®


Implementation of the reform of the Organisation, including budgetary aspects: exchange of views with Ms Gabriella Battaini, Director General of Programmes (appointed as from 1 October 2011)




- Decisions of the Committee of Ministers concerning the Budget Committee [November to April 2011]


P-Bud(2011)11 ®


- Decisions of the Committee of Ministers concerning the Budget Committee [May to September 2011]


P-Bud(2011)18 ®


Presentation of the budgetary context




- Decisions of the Committee of Ministers concerning the Budget Committee [May to September 2011]


P-Bud(2011)18 ®


Implementation of the 2011 budgets as of 31 August 2011




- Budgetary situations as of 31 August 2011


P-Bud(2011)20 ®


Draft programme and budget for 2012-13




- Priorities for 2012-13 and their budgetary implications


CM(2011)48rev ®

  - Council of Europe Draft Programme and Budget 2012-13   CM(2011)130 ®


- Decisions of the Committee of Ministers concerning the Budget Committee [November to April 2011]


P-Bud(2011)11 ®


- Decisions of the Committee of Ministers concerning the Budget Committee [May to September 2011]


P-Bud(2011)18 ®

  - Pension Reserve Fund - Actuarial Study 2011   CM(2011)108 ®
  - Suppression of posts and positions in 2012-13 and implementation of measures for early termination of service of permanent staff   P-Bud(2011)19 ®
  - Draft programme and budget 2012 and 2013 – Ordinary Budget   P-Bud(2011)24 ®
  - Draft programme and budget 2012 and 2013 – Other Budgets   P-Bud(2011)25 ® + Corr. ®
  - EDQM 2012-2015 Medium Term Financial and Operational Strategy (version of August 2011)   Link to document ®
  1. General discussion on budgetary aspects    
  2. Detailed review of some programmes lines and budgets:    


a. European Court of Human Rights: follow up to Interlaken Conference
b. Roma
c. Children’s rights
d. EDQM (European Pharmacopoeia), including review of the Medium Term Strategy 2012-15
e. Eurimages
f. Venice Commission
g. Investments
h. Pensions
i. Evolution of staff expenditure
j. Conditions for transfers between programme lines (see item 6, p. 3 of doc. P-Bud(2011)11)




Exchange of views with external auditor, Mr Christophe Rosenau




- Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2010


CM(2011)100 ®


- Budgetary Management Accounts of the Council of Europe for the year ended 31 December 2010


CM(2011)100 add ®

  - Financial Statements and Budgetary Management Accounts of the Partial Agreement establishing the European Centre for Global Interdependence and Solidarity for the year ended 31 December 2010   CM(2011)101 ®
  - Financial Statements and Budgetary Management Accounts of the Partial Agreement of the European Support Fund for the co-production and distribution of creative cinematographic and audio-visual works "Eurimages" for the year ended 31 December 2010   CM(2011)102 ®
  - Consolidated Financial Statements and Budgetary Management Accounts of the Council of Europe for the year ended 31 December 2010 – Follow up to the Report of the External Auditor - Memorandum of the Secretary General   CM(2011)103 ®
  - Financial Statements and Budgetary Management Accounts of the Partial Agreement of the European Support Fund for the co-production and distribution of creative cinematographic and audio-visual works "Eurimages" for the year ended 31 December 2010 - Follow up to the Report of the External Auditor - Memorandum of the Secretary General   CM(2011)103 add ®
8 Exchange of views with the internal auditor, Mr Ansgar Eussner, Director of Internal Oversight    


- Annual Report 2010 of the Directorate of Internal Oversight


CM(2011)64 ®


- Decisions of the Committee of Ministers concerning the Budget Committee [May to September 2011]


P-Bud(2011)18 ®


Information in respect of Council of Europe buildings




- Decisions of the Committee of Ministers concerning the Budget Committee [May to September 2011]


P-Bud(2011)18 ®


Exchange of views with the Rapporteurs Group on Programme, Budget and Administration (GR-PBA)




Working methods of the Budget Committee



  - Working methods of the Budget Committee   P-Bud(2011)21 ®


Any other business - 2011 budget of the Enlarged Partial Agreement on the Co-operation Group to Combat Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking in Drugs (Pompidou Group)




- Revision of the 2011 budget of the Enlarged Partial Agreement on the
Co-operation Group to Combat Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking in Drugs (Pompidou Group)


P-Bud(2011)23 ®

Meeting of 3-6 May 2011


Opening of the meeting



2 Election of the Chair and Vice-Chair    
  - Election of the Chair and Vice-Chair   P-Bud(2011)4 ®
3 Adoption of the Agenda    


- Draft Annotated Agenda and Provisional Order of Business



4 Examination of the reports and minutes of the prior meetings    


- Meeting report of the Budget Committee – October 2010 session


P-Bud(2010)137 ®


- Budget Committee – Minutes of the September 2010 session


P-Bud(2010)CR2 ®


- Decisions of the Committee of Ministers concerning the Budget Committee


P-Bud(2011)11 ®


Programme and Budget 2011 - Presentation of changes made by the Deputies to the draft before its approval




- Programme and Budget 2011 – Summary of changes made by the Deputies to the draft before its approval


P-Bud(2011)5 ®


- Decisions of the Committee of Ministers concerning the Budget Committee


P-Bud(2011)11 ®


Implementation of the 2010 Programme and Budget




- Council of Europe Progress Review Report 2010


CM/Inf(2011)9rev ®


- Progress Review Report 2010: Results Based Budgeting (RBB) 2010


DPFL(2011)174 ®


- Budgetary Management Accounts 2010 Ordinary Budget


P-Bud(2011)6 ®


- Budgetary Management Accounts 2010 Partial Agreements


P-Bud(2011)7 ®

  - Decisions of the Committee of Ministers concerning the Budget Committee   P-Bud(2011)11 ®


Programme and Budget 2012-2013 – Examination of the priorities of the Secretary General




- Priorities for 2012-13 and their budgetary implications


CM(2011)48rev ®

  - Reform, Proposed new set-up for intergovernmental structures, proposal by the Secretary General   SG/Inf(2011)9rev  ®
SG/Inf(2011)9rev-add ®


- Programme and Budget 2012-2013: Calendar


CM(2011)2 ®


- Decisions of the Committee of Ministers concerning the Budget Committee


P-Bud(2011)11 ®

8 Draft Revised Financial Regulations and introduction of a Biennial Budget    
  - Draft revised Financial Regulations and Supplementary Provisions of the Council of Europe   CM(2011)25 ®
  - Compilation of comments from members of the Budget Committee   P-Bud(2011)8 ®
  - Draft revised Financial Regulations and Supplementary Provisions of the Council of Europe – taking into account certain proposals of members of the Budget Committee   P-BUD(2011)13/
CM(2011)25 ®
  - Biennial Budget – Policy Issues   SG/Inf(2011)3rev ®
  - Introduction of a biennial budget of the Council of Europe   CM(2010)125 ®
  - Introduction of a biennial budget - inflation adjustment   P-Bud(2011)12 ®
  - Decisions of the Committee of Ministers concerning the Budget Committee   P-Bud(2011)11 ®
9 Revision of the 2011 Budget of the Enlarged Partial Agreement on the Co-operation Group to Combat Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking in Drugs (Pompidou Group)    
  - Revision of the 2011 Budget of the Enlarged Partial Agreement on the Co-operation Group to Combat Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking in Drugs (Pompidou Group)   P-Bud(2011)9 ®


Information in respect of the implementation of the Investment Programme




- Information in respect of the implementation of the Investment Programme


P-Bud(2011)10 ®


Examination and approval of the meeting report




Other business



Meeting of 12-15 October 2010

1 Opening of the meeting    
  Report of the September 2010 meeting    
Meeting report of the Budget Committee – September 2010 session CM(2010)123
2 Introduction of a biennial budget    
  Introduction of a biennial budget of the Council of Europe    
3 Administrative expenses levies on extrabudgetary resources    
  Administrative expenses levies on extrabudgetary resources
Mr Laumanns’ document : Elements of a strategy concerning the joint programmes (JP) and the voluntary contributions (VC)
  P-Bud(2010)14 ®
4 Exchange of views with the external auditor    
  Consolidated Financial Statements and Budgetary Management Accounts of the Council of Europe for the year ended 31 December 2009   CM(2010)100
  Financial Statements and Budgetary Management Accounts of the Partial Agreement establishing the European Centre for Global Interdependence and Solidarity for the year ended 31 December 2009   CM(2010)101
  Financial Statements and Budgetary Management Accounts of the Partial Agreement of the European Support Fund for the co-production and distribution of creative cinematographic and audio-visual works "EURIMAGES" for the year ended 31 December 2009   CM(2010)102
  Consolidated Financial Statements and Budgetary Management Accounts of the Council of Europe for the year ended 31 December 2009 – Follow up to the Report of the External Auditor - Memorandum of the Secretary General   CM(2010)103 +
CM(2010)103 add +
CM(2010)103 add2
5 Exchange of views with the internal auditor    
  Annual Report 2009 of the Directorate of Internal Audit   CM(2010)51rev
6 Information in respect of the “B building”    
7 Modification to the draft Programme and Budget following the publication of CCR recommendations on the annual remuneration adjustment 2011    
  Adjustments to the 2011 Draft Budgets   CM(2010)135
8 Exchange of views with the Rapporteurs Group on Program, Budget and Administration (GR-PBA)    
9 Internal taxation – Continuation of discussion on the documents provided by Ms Van Nieuwenburg    


  Information document   DD(2010)460 ®
  Lisbonne : Draft Budget of the European Centre for Global Interdependence and Solidarity (North-South Centre) For 2011    
  Draft Council of Europe Programme and Budget 2011
Revised budget of the Enlarged Partial Agreement Co-operation Group to Combat Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking in Drugs (Pompidou Group)
  P-Bud(2010)15 ®
  Projet de budget « bisannuel » du Conseil de l’Europe - Text Mme Musset    
  Some comments to an introduction of a biennial budget for the CoE - Text M.Hjalmarsson    
  Internal tax – Document transmitted by Ms VAN NIEUWENBURG