Nazaj Council of Europe anti-torture Committee carries out visit to Italy, focusing on prison establishments

A delegation of the Council of Europe's Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) carried out an ad hoc visit to Italy from 12 to 22 March 2019.
Council of Europe anti-torture Committee carries out visit to Italy, focusing on prison establishments

The purpose of the visit was to examine the situation of prisoners placed under high and maximum security regime (the so-called “41-bis regime”) as well as various “isolation” and segregation measures (such as court-imposed isolation to life-sentenced prisoners). The delegation also reviewed the treatment of persons subject to a security detention measure (misura di sicurezza detentiva). To this end, the CPT’s delegation visited the prison establishments of Biella, Milan Opera, Saluzzo and Viterbo.

In the course of the visit, the delegation held consultations with Vittorio Ferraresi, Under-Secretary of State of the Ministry of Justice, Francesco Basentini, Head of the Department of Prison Administration (DAP) and other senior officials from the Ministry of Justice and the DAP. It also held meetings with representatives of the different law enforcement authorities (Carabinieri, Guardia di Finanza, Polizia di Stato). Meetings were also held with Mauro Palma, Head of the national authority for the rights of persons deprived of their liberty (Garante nazionale dei diritti delle persone detenute o private della liberta’ personale) as well as with representatives of the civil society active in areas of concern to the CPT.

The visit was carried out by the following members of the CPT: Julia Kozma (Head of Delegation), Régis Bergonzi, Philippe Mary, Maria Rita Morganti and Olivera Vulić. They were supported by Christian Loda of the CPT’s Secretariat and assisted by an expert, Jurgen Van Poecke, Prison Director (Belgium).

At the end of the visit, the delegation presented its preliminary observations to the competent authorities.

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