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Copyright management request form
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Copyright management request form
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Proper credits are required: “From [full title of the publication], by [author(s)/editor(s)/department name if relevant]. © Council of Europe [copyright year]”.
No permission is required for the use of excerpts containing less than 500 words. Any use exceeding this requires prior written permission.
Proper credits are required: “From [full title of the publication], by [author(s)/editor(s)/department name if relevant]. © Council of Europe [copyright year]”.
Official texts
No permission is required to reproduce and translate official texts (conventions and treaties, Committee of Ministers resolutions and recommendations) which are in the public domain.
Proper credits are required: “From [full title of the publication], [report date, adopted on (date)]. Source: Council of Europe [year]”.
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Photos – Council of Europe buildings
Specific instructions are in use for photos of the Council of Europe buildings. All use of photos relating to:
- the Palais de l'Europe is subject to the architect's identity "Henry Bernard" being mentioned in addition to the Council of Europe photo credit;
- the Human Rights Building is subject to the architect's prior consent being sought from the design office “Richard Rogers Partnership'' in London, and ''Atelier Claude Bucher Architectes'' in Strasbourg;
- the EDQM is subject to the architect's identity “Art & Build Architectes” in Brussels and “Denu & Paradon Architectes” in Strasbourg and Metz being mentioned in addition to the Council of Europe photo credit;
- the AGORA is subject to the architect's identity “Art & Build Architectes” in Brussels and “Denu & Paradon Architectes” in Strasbourg being mentioned in addition to the Council of Europe photo credit.
Audiovisual materials
For any queries related to rights and permissions of Council of Europe video/audio material, please contact [email protected].
Logo of the Council of Europe
The use of the Council of Europe’s name or logo by partners or third parties is limited to specific cases and is subject to prior authorisation. This will not be granted if such use is contrary to the Council of Europe's values and principles, if the logo is to be used for commercial purposes or if it is to be used in conjunction with the logo, name or trademark of a firm. Each case will be considered individually to ascertain whether the aforementioned conditions are met. Authorisation does not confer any entitlement to exclusivity.
Request for permission should be submitted using the Logo use request form