Atrás The BCN Anti-rumour Network celebrated the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination through two anti-rumours workshops

The “Dynamisation Group” of the BCN Anti-rumour Network has organized two workshops on the occasion of the Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination:

  • Muslim singers against Racism and Maleness is a space for discussion and analysis with the moderation of Wafae Moussaoui, organised on 20 March 2018 in cooperation with the following civil society organisations: Associació Cultural i Social Bac de Roda, AMBIHN, Casal de Barri del Poble Nou, Pla Comunitari Apropem-nos, Som U
  •  Shall we take a tea? The racist use of language in the trading environment will enable exchange of experiences and knowledge to deepen in the racist use of language. The event took place on 22 March 2018 at the headquarters of SOS Racisme and was organised thanks to a collaboration between the “Institut and the Commission of the Dynamisation Group of the BCN Anti-rumour Network


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