The Expert Council on NGO Law organised an online event ''Young Environmental Defenders and Their Rights'' as part of the World Forum for Democracy, on Wednesday, 19 May from 16:30 to 18:00 CET (language English).

Environmental defenders are all part of civil society that should be understood broadly to encompass individuals, groups of individuals, networks, and organisations. It is everyone’s duty to ensure that their rights are protected!

  • Dunja Mijatović, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights
  • Katerina Hadzi-Miceva Evans, member of the Council of Europe Expert Council on NGO Law, United Kingdom
  • Coll, (17) Young Adviser to the Children and Young People's Commissioner, Scotland
  • Bruce Adamson, Children and Young People's Commissioner, Scotland
  • Tinna Rós Steinsdóttir, International expert on child participation and safeguarding, Iceland
  • Ilyess El Kortbi, Fridays for Future, Ukraine 
  • Linus Dolder, Fridays for Future, Switzerland 
  • Jade Glenister, member of the Council of Europe Expert Council on NGO Law, United Kingdom

Document "Young Environmental Defenders and the standards that protect their activism" >>