The Youth Delegation is a group of young people from 24 countries around the world, carefully selected by the Youth Department out of 420 applicants, to be actively participating in the activities of "12 Months, 1 question" online Campaign and particularly in the High Level Event on the 29th of June.

The Youth Delegation is prepared and accompanied by a team of 4 trainers from the Trainer's Pool of the Youth Department to connect with the themes of the WFD Campaign and to actively participate in the online activities.

youth delegates



Having lived in various countries around the world, I have found myself redirected to new human rights and environmental issues accordingly. In Norway, I was active in the climate change debate over expanding oil industries. In India, I coordinated an initiative focusing on female empowerment and sustainable development. In England, I am currently a law student and working for a human rights organisation. Not only did I learn and grow a lot in each new context, but I was able to utilise the knowledge and skills I brought with me from one experience for the benefit of the next. As such, I have become increasingly certain that collective and democratic action is necessary to save the environment.

Council of Europe Youth Department Trainers’ Pool