The Youth Delegation is a group of young people from 24 countries around the world, carefully selected by the Youth Department out of 420 applicants, to be actively participating in the activities of "12 Months, 1 question" online Campaign and particularly in the High Level Event on the 29th of June.

The Youth Delegation is prepared and accompanied by a team of 4 trainers from the Trainer's Pool of the Youth Department to connect with the themes of the WFD Campaign and to actively participate in the online activities.

youth delegates
ONYENEKWE  Chiziterem Precious

Chiziterem Precious ONYENEKWE

Human Centred Designer and entertainer


I am a Human Centred Designer and entertainer who has reluctantly entered the democracy space due to the dearth of it in my country. Starting from the discussions I participate in at the European Forum Alpbach to the World Forum for Democracy, I am quite unconsciously drawn by the need for more inclusion, information and innovation in Democracy particularly with a perspective from lower socioeconomic/underrepresented groups summing up to the actual implementation of strategies especially in the environmental urgency of our shared planet. Therefore, I joined the WFD to contribute, exchange ideas and experiences, in the hope of bringing the idea of an inclusive sustainable future to fruition.

Council of Europe Youth Department Trainers’ Pool