The Youth Delegation is a group of young people from 24 countries around the world, carefully selected by the Youth Department out of 420 applicants, to be actively participating in the activities of "12 Months, 1 question" online Campaign and particularly in the High Level Event on the 29th of June.

The Youth Delegation is prepared and accompanied by a team of 4 trainers from the Trainer's Pool of the Youth Department to connect with the themes of the WFD Campaign and to actively participate in the online activities.

youth delegates


National Citizen Service

United Kingdom

Campaigning for young people to have a voice in democratic situations has always been at the forefront of my campaigning. I believe that our generation will be the driving force of change in worldwide issues such as climate change. Joining the WFD was important to me in order to ensure that I could bring the voices of young people from my country to high level officials and make change. I have been a part of a multitude of forums and projects in the UK which have allowed me to elevate young people’s voices and secure the change we so much desire.

Council of Europe Youth Department Trainers’ Pool