Webinar: Public Administration as a green leader
THURSDAY 23 SEPTEMBER 2021, 16h00-17h00
In cooperation with Council of Europe’s Democratic Governance Division
The 2021 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report concluded that climate change is widespread, rapid and intensifying. The report also highlighted the urgency of taking decisive steps towards the transition to a low carbon economy in order to be able to tackle and mitigate the impact of climate change. Clearly all sectors of society will have to play a role in the effort towards a green transformation, including the public administration.
In fact, the public administration is ideally positioned to lead this transition process as it has a dual role: as a consumer/user and as a policy- and decision-maker and infrastructure planner. Public administration in many member States increasingly play a leading role by providing the right policy incentives to enable the transition and by implementing internal changes to their own activities thus minimising their own carbon footprint and direct and indirect impacts on the environment.
Turning public administration green also means formulating a vision to be shared with and by the population and upholding a commitment to sacrifice short-term (economic) interests to ensure long-term sustainability. Education and dissemination of information to society at large and businesses is key.
The webinar will explore how public administration is leading the way in particular in the field of public procurement. What is the impact of green procurement and green budgeting? What role could digital technologies play in the green transformation? And how can residents and citizens participate?
The webinar will also show case best practices to make office buildings more environmentally sustainable, minimise the impacts of meetings and events, promote sustainable commuting and business travel etc.
Undersecretary, Public Procurement Directorate, Ministry of Public Administration, Slovenia
Maja Marinček, Ba in Economics, is employed in the Sector for Public Procurement System at the Public Procurement Directorate at the Ministry of Public Administration. She has been working in the field of public procurement since 2005. Within the Public Procurement Directorate, she is involved in drafting public procurement regulations and interpreting public procurement laws and advising on public procurement in the framework of the helpdesk. Prior to joining the Ministry of Public Administration, she advised of the preparation and implementation of public procurement services for over 10 years.
Marion RUMPL
Competence Centre for Sustainable Procurement at the Procurement Office of the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Germany
Marion Rumpl is currently working for the Competence Centre for Sustainable Procurement at the Procurement Office of the Federal Ministry of the Interior in Germany. The Competence Centre supports German public buyers in the broad context of sustainable procurement. Ms Rumpl is providing trainings and consultancy to public procurers with a focus on environmental and social aspects, such as human rights. She previously worked for Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH with a focus on sustainable textiles and has an academic background in environmental systems sciences and business administration.
Expert on local governance and participative democracy at the local level
Antonella Valmorbida is a senior expert on local governance and participative democracy at the local level. She developed and led ALDA, the European Association for Local Democracy, as Secretary General since its creation in 1999. She is involved in local governance analysis, projects implementation, management and advocacy work in the EU countries, the EES, the EaP Countries and the MED area. She published books and articles of academic level on the topics of decentralised cooperation, local governance and participative and inclusive democracy.
Gerhard WEINER
Head of the Service Center of the Sustainable Public Procurement Action Plan in Austria
Manages the naBe Platform, the service point of the naBe Action Plan on behalf of the ministry for climate action in Austria, since 2019. Prior to that he worked for almost eight years as deputy managing director in an umbrella organisation for applied research organizations with focus on SMEs and with technical directions to sustainable building, renewable energy and environmental technology as well as smart materials. He holds an engineering title in computer sciences and a PhD in social and economic sciences.