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TSELIOU Evrydiki

Evrydiki TSELIOU

Administrative Assistant, Gender Equality Division, Council of Europe

Rapporteur: Roundtables 2018

Evrydiki is a Greek national. She joined the Council of Europe in July 2017. Before having joined the organisation, she worked for the European institutions (European Parliament, Representation of the European Commission to Greece), for the Hellenic Parliament, for the political foundation K. Karamanlis Institute for Democracy as well as for the Institute of European Integration and Policy of the University of Athens. She also participated in two projects on gender equality issues, as partner of the Greek League for Women’s Rights and she is co-author of two publications on how to combat gender stereotypes in mass media and on work-life balance. She holds a BA in Political Science and Public Administration from the University of Athens and an MA on European Studies from the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB).