Lightning Talks 2017
9 November 2017 - 9.00 / 10.30 - Palais de l'Europe, Rooms 1 and 2
Interpretation: FR/EN
Lightning Talks
A lightning talk is a short, inspiring presentation lasting 15 minutes. Several lightning talks will be delivered by different speakers in a single session. The goal of lightning talks is to articulate a topic in a quick, insightful, and clear manner, to grab the attention of the audience, convey key information, and promote critical thinking.
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Head of Web and Audio-Visual communication Division, Directorate of Communication, Council of Europe
Presidential Adviser for Human Rights
Paula Gaviria Betancur has been the Presidential Counsellor on Human Rights in Colombia since June 2016. She leads the implementation of the National Strategy for the Guarantee of Human Rights, which has a long-term vision 2014-2034. Previously, she was the head director of the Victims Unit, which coordinates the implementation of the Victims and Land Restitution Law, that provides attention, assistance, and reparation for those affected by the Colombian armed conflict. Paula Gaviria graduated as a lawyer, and specialized in journalism, public opinion, and political marketing in the Universidad de Los Andes. She also completed several programs in Human Rights, such as the Transitional Justice Fellowship in South Africa, and the International Visitors Leadership Program in the State Department of the United States.
Journalist, author, editor
Hannes Grassegger (*1980) is an economist and reporter. He writes about how the digital transformation changes the way we live. He is known for his groundbreaking investigations on Cambridge Analytica and – more recently – the secret Facebook censorship rules for „content moderation“. In 2014 he published his treaty "Das Kapital bin Ich" (I am Capital), demanding property rights for personal data. Hannes works as a reporter for Das Magazin (Zürich) and REPORTAGEN (Bern). He has won several awards and was recently shortlisted for Germany’s prestigious Nannen award. His work has been translated into over 20 languages and published via Pro Publica, Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazine, Internazionale, VICE, Die ZEIT, Revue XXI and others.
Adolphus MAWOLO
Journalist and producer at West Africa Democracy Radio
Mr Adolphus Mawolo is a Liberian Journalist. He presently resides in Dakar, Senegal, and works as a producer for trans-regional station, West Africa Democracy Radio (WADR). Before joining WADR in June 2015, Mr. Mawolo had a short stint with Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) as its National Media and Communications Officer in Liberia during the 2014 Ebola outbreak. He also previously worked as a reporter for the New Liberia Newspaper, as a temporal correspondent for the Agence France Presse and as correspondent for Radio France International English-Service. He has expertise in public relations, print, online and broadcast journalism.
Executive Director of the European Youth Centre, Council of Europe
Agnes CHOW
Standing Committee member of the political party “Demosisto”
Agnes CHOW was born in 1996, and is currently a standing committee member of political party Demosisto in Hong Kong. In 2012, she joined Scholarism and acted as the group’s spokesperson. When Demosisto was set up in 2016, Agnes Chow joined as its Deputy Secretary-general. She speaks fluent Chinese, English, and Japanese, and is currently studying at Hong Kong Baptist University as a fourth year student in Government and International Studies. She is a founding member of Demosisto.
Member of Parliament representing the City of Buenos Aires
Martín Lousteau is member of Parliament representing the City of Buenos Aires. He is the former Ambassador of Argentina to the USA. Previously he served as a Member of Parliament representing the City of Buenos Aires, post to which he was elected in October 2003. In 2015 he was a candidate of the ECO coalition (of which he is a founder) for Mayor of the City of Buenos Aires, and obtained 48,4% of the total votes. He also served as Minister of Economy and Production of Argentina (2008), and as Minister of Production in the Province of Buenos Aires (2005). During 2006 and 2007 he was the chairman of Banco de la Provincia de Buenos Aires and GrupoBapro SA. After the collapse of the Convertibility Plan, he advised the Central Bank Governor from 2003 to 2004.
Founder of the Mexican Pirate Par
Antonio Martinez is a lawyer and a journalist. Currently he is Executive Director of Horizontal, an independent media and think tank based in Mexico City. Horizontal is a multipurpose project that include a media platform and a research division focus on gender, race, class and digital rights intersections. Since a decade, Antonio is focused in enabling political participation through digital tools. He founded the “Mexican Pirate Party” that promoted a deep intellectual property reform. He cofounded the collective Open ACTA that stop ACTA treaty in Mexico. As a Journalist, Antonio Martínez has published in The New York Times, Foreign Affairs Latinamerica, RollingStone magazine, El Universal, Gatopardo, Animal Político and Reforma. He coauthored the books: Pensar Internet (“Thinking Internet”), 2017; Recuperar la política (“Recover politics”), 2017; CiudadanosMX: Twitter y el cambio politico en México (“CiudadanosMX: Twitter and political change in Mexcio”), 2011.
Nine Dots Prize winner and recipient of Google’s Founders’ Award
United Kingdom
James Williams is the inaugural winner of the US$100,000 Nine Dots Prize. He is a doctoral candidate at the Oxford Internet Institute. His research addresses the philosophy and ethics of attention and persuasion as they relate to technology design. He is also a co-founder of the ‘Time Well Spent’ campaign, a project that aims to steer technology design toward having greater respect for users’ attention, goals, and values. Previously, James worked for over ten years at Google, where he received the Founder’s Award, the company’s highest honor.