Sponsored by the Education Department, Council of Europe

7 November 2019 - 11.30-13.00 - ROOM 8 - Interpretation: FR/EN

Our societies are increasingly aware of being exposed to disinformation, fake news or propaganda. We are ever more concerned about the authenticity of information in the digital age. One in two internet users say they are subjected to fake news. Some individuals and groups seem better equipped to cope with the phenomenon, due to the education, media literacy or exposure to alternative media sources. How can we build resilience in the societies to fight disinformation? From teenagers to adulthood: how can we raise awareness about media, social media, information sources and their traps? What tools do we have to help fact-checking?

initiative 1

Media and Information Literacy Card Game, Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom, Thailand

The card game “Media and Information Literacy (MIL)”, developed by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation and Thai Media Fund (an independent organization funded by the Thai Parliament to promote media literacy), encourages young players (from primary to high school students) to take a critical approach to media. The game aims to raise awareness among young students about the media they consume and create. Our approach is to provide training to primary and high school teachers believing that those trained teachers would use our card games in their classrooms to raise awareness about media and information literacy to their students.




Programme Manager for The Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Pimrapaat Dusadeeisariyakul is known for an innovative idea to provide social innovation. Since 2011, she has been developing games to engage with Thai citizens. Her games on democracy and human rights have been translated into different languages. She continues to develop tools for social transformation. She is Thailand team’s Programme Manager for The Friedrich Naumann Foundation. In 1999 she obtained her doctorate degree in International Relations from the University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom and in 1993 her master degree in International Politics from the University of Aberystwyth, United Kingdom.



Project Manager, Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom, Thailand and Myanmar


Katrin Bannach has been working for the Friedrich-Naumann Foundation since 2003. She has been the Project Director Thailand and Myanmar since 2014. She holds a MA in Sociology form the University of Hamburg, University of Stellenbosch and is the author of “Empowerment and participation in development co-operation. A sustainability and its pitfalls”, Vol 6, Initiative Südliches Afrika e.V.”

initiative 2

Co-Inform Co-Creating Misinformation Resilient Societies, Spain

The Co-Inform project aims to contribute towards the goal of tackling misinformation on social media by focusing on a trans-European, multidisciplinary effort targeting three main key stakeholder groups: policymakers, journalists and citizens. Co-Inform consortium partners strongly believe that researching both the technological and behavioural aspects of this phenomenon is necessary to develop tools that will have a real impact on society. To do so, the project aims at developing tools that will provide stakeholders with easy access to fact-checked information, helping them make better-informed decisions which constitute the foundation of any democracy.




Public Policy Researcher at Scytl Secure Electronic Voting


Adrià Rodríguez-Pérez is a Political and Legal Analyst specialising in Civic Technologies. He currently holds the position of Public Policy Researcher at Scytl Secure Electronic Voting and is an Adjunct Professor of International Relations at Universitat Pompeu Fabra. He leverages more than eight years of professional experience in the field of elections gained in the international public sector (Council of Europe, AECID), private, as well as in research and academic institutions. Adrià graduated with Highest Honours in Political Science and holds a master’s degree in international Relations. He is a PhD candidate on Electoral Law and New Technologies at Universitat Rovira i Virgili.

KYZA Eleni

Dr Eleni A. KYZA

Associate Professor in Information Society with the Department of Communication and Internet Studies at the Cyprus University of Technology


Dr. Eleni A. Kyza is an Associate Professor in Information Society with the Department of Communication and Internet Studies at the Cyprus University of Technology. She is the program director of the master’s program “New Technologies for Communication and Learning” and leads the Media, Cognition, and Learning Research Group. Her research interests include media literacy, participatory design, the investigation of computer-supported collaborative inquiry learning, the design of technology-enhanced learning environments to support motivated, meaningful and reflective learning, and promoting responsible citizenship and scientific literacy. In the Co-Inform project, Eleni and her collaborators are investigating approaches to combating misinformation on social media.


Discussants are invited to take part in the Labs in order to share their experience with the presented democratic initiatives and try to bring broader perspectives to the following discussions.

HEISE Richard

Richard HEISE

Political scientist, researcher, project coordinator, Leibniz University


Richard Heise works at the “Institut for Didactics of Democracy” at the Leibniz University of Hannover. His research focusses on political education within the digital world, aiming at teaching and learning strategies to strengthen both digital skills and political competences. Richard Heise coordinates the project “Digital Resistance” funded by the European Union/Council of Europe Joint Programme DISCO that creates a teaching strategy to implement the topic of “fake news” in school.



Historian-Archaeologist, teacher, project partner, Epal Korydallou School


Elisavet Karakitsiou works at EPAL KORYDALLOU, a vocational school in Piraeus near Athens subject to the Greek Ministry of Education. She teaches Greek Language skills, Essay writing and History to students aged between 15 to 18 years old. She has also trained in incorporating digital skills in teaching strategies. Elisavet Karakitsiou is one of the associated partners of the project “Digital Resistance” funded by the European Union/Council of Europe Joint Programme DISCO that scopes to implement a new teaching strategy in modern high schools which aims at helping students to deal with “fake news”.



Vice-Director, Federal Office of Communications, and Chair CDMSI


CĂLUGĂRU Corina 2019


Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Moldova to the Council of Europe

Republic of Moldova

KARAM Lorène

Lorène KARAM

Student, Sciences Po Strasbourg


LAB 4 - Building resilience to disinformation
Palais de l'Europe, ROOM 1 7 November 2019 - 11.30-13.00
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