October's Forum talk

MONDAY, 25 OCTOBER 2021, 4.00 P.M. CEST

In collaboration with Transnational Institute and mPOWER*

Energy systems and climate action cannot be left to the market. It's urgent to transition to energy democracies that are optimal for people and planet. How can public ownership, community control and participatory governance ensure that justice is served? And which forms of collective action will help us get there?

In this webinar we will dive into the biggest challenges to a renewable energy future and best practices from across Europe, South Africa and the Americas. A set of formidable speakers is ready to equip you with concrete handles for building system-wide people power to ensure that those on the frontlines of the climate crisis are the ones driving the energy transition.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 785171
