12 Months, 1 Question: August 2021

Environmental challenges are raising a range of questions about the intersections between climate change, the uses and application of innovative technology and the ability of democracies to respond to these emergencies.

Innovative climate technology can help implement countries' ecological transition- for example, through ensuring global transparency on GHG emissions and climate action, as well as developing AI technology to engage citizens and enhance democratic participation. Innovative technologies are also being used directly to tackle climate change.

However, technologies can also threaten and potentially undermine the foundations of democracy itself- by enabling misinformation, disrupting climate action and reducing the capacities of democracies to respond to urgent environmental challenges.

In August we will discuss the role and challenges of technology in the creation of a greener and more sustainable future.

 Teaser of August 2021

Forum talk

Technology, the Global Environmental Challenge, and Democracy


The Forum Talk on Wednesday, 11 August, 4.30 to 6 PM CEST will bring together CEOs, researchers and policy experts to analyse dimensions of the relationship between global environmental challenges, technology and democracy. This event is organised by the Council of Europe’s World Forum for Democracy in collaboration with the Global Governance Forum and Leiden University, Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs, and will consist in presentations from the invited experts followed by interactive discussion and Q&A with participants.


 Cartoon of the Month

by Cartooning for Peace - Tjeerd Royaards (The Netherlands) - August 2021