Back Council of Europe anti-trafficking body urges Azerbaijan to better identify victims of human trafficking and improve their access to compensation and other remedies

Council of Europe anti-trafficking body urges Azerbaijan to better identify victims of human trafficking and improve their access to compensation and other remedies

In a new report the Council of Europe’s Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings assesses developments since the publication of GRETA’s second evaluation report on Azerbaijan in November 2018 as regards the implementation of the Council of Europe’s Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings.

According to the report, progress had been made in certain areas, such as further developing the legislative, institutional and policy framework for combating trafficking in human beings, raising awareness and providing training to relevant professionals. Moreover, Azerbaijan has strengthened the human and financial resources of the Assistance Centre for victims of human trafficking.  GRETA also welcomes the increase in the number of sentences issued in human trafficking cases.

However, there are several areas which require improvement, according to the report. GRETA calls on the Azerbaijani authorities to take steps to improve victims’ access to legal aid and the existing compensation mechanisms. Moreover, the report stresses the need for further steps to strengthen effective access to the labour market for victims of human trafficking and to advance their socio-economic inclusion.

GRETA notes with concern the lack of proactive identification efforts in Azerbaijan, in particular among irregular migrants and asylum seekers, and urges the Azerbaijani authorities to step up their efforts to identify victims.

Azerbaijan is predominantly a country of origin of victims of trafficking in human beings, but is also to some extent a country of destination. According to statistics provided by the authorities, the number of victims identified in 2018-2022 was 472, an increase compared to the previous reporting period. 94% of the victims identified were women trafficked for the purpose of sexual exploitation. Only nine children were identified as victims of trafficking. The vast majority of the victims were Azerbaijani citizens exploited abroad, primarily in neighbouring countries (Türkiye, the Russian Federation, Iran).

 Press release
Council of Europe anti-trafficking body urges Azerbaijan to better identify victims of human trafficking and improve their access to compensation and other remedies

Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings Strasbourg 6 June 2023
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