Inclusive participatory budgeting to meet the needs of under-represented groups

Municipality: Prymorsk
Oblast: Zaporizhzhia
Population: 16,400 
 Website of the municipality


This initiative aims to improve the existing participatory budgeting scheme with a view to making the process more participatory and more inclusive for all the communities of Prymorsk.  A needs assessment on community and institutional capacities is being developed in order to identify the most urgent and core changes to be made. Similarly, a monitoring and evaluation plan of the participatory budgeting scheme is being established to identify obstacles and adjust the planning and implementation of the budget accordingly.

Prymorsk builds on its participatory budgeting scheme, in place since 2018. The Committee for Public Budget is composed of representatives of the local administration and public organisations, in equal proportions, and thereby ensures an inclusive consultation mechanism for the adoption and evaluation of projects submitted for voting.

Stakeholders: Municipal Council; Committee for Public Budget; Youth Council; and Youth Centre.


International and national consultants providing direct expert support to participating municipalities, per topic of initiative

 Biographies (English and Ukrainian)