The Steering Committee for Culture, Heritage and Landscape (CDCPP) has been holding annual thematic sessions at its plenary meetings since 2019 on topical societal issues to further enhance the work of the Committee, in view of its role as a pan-European intergovernmental structure with responsibility for the Council of Europe’s unique culture/heritage/landscape conventions.

The CDCPP delegates agreed to organise a thematic session in 2021 on the subject of archaeology and digital technologies, with particular reference to the European Convention on the Protection of the Archaeological Heritage (revised, Valletta, 1992).

The Valletta Convention is the result of a process that began with the London Convention of 1969. The inclusion of Archaeology in the spatial planning process was one of its most important contributions. Furthermore, the text dealt with the fundamental issue of in situ conservation.

Today the Valletta Convention provisions have become part of the practice of current Archaeology. However, with the arrival of the new century and digital technologies, a range of new opportunities has opened up. Technology has played an important role in research, inventory, mapping, protection, conservation and preservation, dissemination and co-operation.

At the dawn of the 30th anniversary of the Convention in 2022, the CDCPP is exploring, through a thematic session, how digital technologies can inform or contribute to the implementation of the Valletta Convention, analysing not only the successes, but also the obstacles and challenges along the way, as well as the future prospects and opportunities.

Agenda - 8 December 2021

experts presentations

 The Valletta Convention and digital technologies. Challenges and opportunities. 30 years on. (some perspectives from the EAA – European Association of Archaeologists) - Nathan Schlanger (+ written contribution)

 Archaeological practises in the Age Artificial Intelligence - Arianna Traviglia - Italian Institute of Technology

 Priorities for Digital Technologies in Archaeology - Contribution of EAC, Barney Sloane, President EAC

Member States contributions
Illustration about the Steering Committee for Culture, Heritage and Landscape (CDCPP)
  • Daniil KHOCHABO
  • Gillian FRENCH

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