Atrás PACE must continue to foster pan-European dialogue in response to challenges to face, says the President

PACE must continue to foster pan-European dialogue in response to challenges to face, says the President

"I firmly believe that our common interests in protecting human rights, democracy and the rule of law, both at national and international level, are stronger than the issues that divide us," the PACE President said at the opening of the June session.

"We must keep open the communication channels with our interlocutors and explore all possibilities for dialogue offered by parliamentary diplomacy. We must shoulder our responsibility to address the difficult points and disagreements that exist among us. Because we should not ignore our vocation to be an Assembly of 47, not 46," the PACE President underlined.

PACE decided to hold a current affairs debate on "reaffirming the role of the Parliamentary Assembly as a pan-European forum for inter-parliamentary dialogue and co-operation”. (more...)

Parliamentary Assembly Session Strasbourg 20 June 2016
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