Atrás GRECO calls on San Marino to ratify the Criminal Law Convention on Corruption and to upgrade political financing law

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The Council of Europe’s Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) today called for San Marino to ratify the Criminal Law Convention on Corruption, to fully implement it, and to improve legislation on political funding.

GRECO underlines the need for San Marino to ratify the Criminal Law Convention on Corruption and its Additional Protocol and to fully incorporate them into national law, in particular by criminalising private sector corruption and trading in influence.

GRECO recognises the important efforts made in San Marino to strengthen financial discipline in the day-to-day operations of political parties. It calls for additional legislative improvements to fill gaps regarding non-monetary donations, events of mergers, splits or shutdowns of political parties and their remaining funds, as well as accounting obligations of independent members of Parliament. GRECO further recommends strengthening the current system for supervising the rules on political financing, investigating alleged infringements and ultimately providing for effective sanctions.

The report (Theme I and Theme II) contains 10 recommendations the implementation of which, GRECO will assess in 2017.

See also:
San Marino and the Council of Europe

Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) Strasbourg 12 July 2016
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