Back Inauguration of the E.toile installation

For the upcoming World Forum for Democracy, the local Strasbourg artist Laurent Reynès will create a work of art, named ‘Construction abstraite – E.toile', on the façade of the Palais of the Council of Europe.

The piece will consist of a thin canvas of rope forming a tense mesh, a seducing lace which will cover the exterior frame of the Palais from the 16th of November to the 16th of December. The symbolism of the piece will follow the lines of the theme debated at the World Forum for Democracy, the ability to unite by weaving the thread between individuals and institutions. Laurent Reynès will be assisted by a team of 15 students from the Architecture School of Strasbourg and from the Apollonia Association.

The piece will be inaugurated by Gabriella Dragoni-Battaini, Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe at the front entrance of the Council of Europe on the 26th of November at 6:00 p.m.

The art piece will successively be presented and discussed during the debate ‘The city of the future will be without artists?', which will take place at the Council of Europe on the 26th of November from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. in room 9. 

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