Brief description
Key legal texts
National coordinators
Children in care

Children's participation
Child Friendly Justice

Case-law: European Court of Human Rights
Action Programme

CoE Guidelines against violence
Corporal Punishment
Violence in schools
Sexual Violence
Policy reviews
Videos and social media






Dubrovnik, 27-28 March 2014 


Thursday 27 March


09.30: Official Opening Ceremony


        Ms Milanka Opačić, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Social Policy and Youth, Croatia

        Mr Thorbjřrn Jagland, Secretary General of the Council of Europe

        Ms Ana Vukadinović, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Montenegro, Committee of Ministers


10.00: High level plenary session


Progress towards implementing the Council of Europe Strategy for the Rights of the Child 2012-2015


Moderator: Ms Milanka Opačić, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Social Policy and Youth, Croatia

        Ms Solveig Horne, Minister of Children, Equality and Social Inclusion, Norway

        Mr Damir Ljubić, Minister of Human Rights and Refugees, Bosnia and Herzegovina

        Ms Hanna Birna Kristjánsdóttir, Minister of the Interior, Iceland

        Ms Sandra Artuković Kunšt, Deputy Minister of Justice, Croatia

        Mr Dejan Levanič, Secretary of State, Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, Slovenia

        Mr Nikola Dedeić, Secretary of State, Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, Montenegro

        Ms Aynur Sofiyeva, Deputy Chair of the State Committee on Family, Women and Children Affairs, Azerbaijan

Statements from other member States and observer States during the Conference:





        Holy See


Persisting and emerging challenges in protecting children’s rights in Europe


Moderator: Ms Snežana Samardžić-Marković, Director General of Democracy, Council of Europe

        Ms Marta Santos Pais, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General on Violence Against Children (SRSG VAC)

        Ms Kirsten Sandberg, Chair of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC)

        Ms Marie-Pierre Poirier, Regional Director for Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States, UNICEF

        Mr Bernard de Vos, Chair of the European Network of Ombudspersons for Children (ENOC)

        Mr Peter Newell, Coordinator, Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children, United Kingdom


14.30: Plenary session: Reinforcing children’s rights in law


Moderator: Mr Miroslav Papa, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Croatia to the Council of Europe, Chair of the Rapporteur Group on Legal Co-operation (GR-J) of the Committee of Ministers

        “The constitutional protection of children’s rights”, Ms Herdis Thorgeirsdottir, Member of European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission)

        “Children's involvement in criminal, civil and administrative judicial proceedings in the EU – gaps and remaining challenges”, Mr Alexander Hoefmans, Policy and legal officer, DG Justice, European Commission

        “A global mapping of children's access to justice”, Ms Veronica Yates, Director Child Rights International Network (CRIN)

        “Practices of child participation in justice proceedings in the EU Member States: experiences of judges, lawyers, social workers and other actors involved”, Ms Astrid Podsiadlowski, Head of Sector Rights of the Child, Equality and Citizens' Rights Department, European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA)

        “2020 - a vision for child-friendly justice”, Ms Christina Weber Khan, Kinderanwaltschaft, Switzerland


16.30: Three parallel roundtable sessions


Roundtable 1: Children’s rights to child-friendly services: health and social services


Moderator: Mr Bruno Vanobbergen, Children’s Rights Commissioner, Flemish-speaking Community, Belgium

        “Investigating cases of children in vulnerable situations in the child protection system: the role of Ombudspersons”, Ms Emily Logan, Ombudsperson for children, Ireland

        “Upholding child protection and well-being of children in times of crisis”, Ms Stella Kyriakides, PACE General Rapporteur on Children, Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development, Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe

        “Professional competency: training, supervision and accountability of staff working with and for children”, Ms Maria Herczog, Member of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC), Hungary

        “Improving approaches to the emotional wellbeing of children during their hospital stay” Ms Pilar Hilarión, Director, Area of Social Care, Mental Health, Elderly and Dependency, Avedis Donabedian Research Institute, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain

        “Safeguarding child-friendly services for abandoned children, children in vulnerable situations and persons with disabilities” Mr Apolonio Ruiz-Ligero, Vice Governor for the Social Development Strategy, Council of Europe Development Bank


Roundtable 2: Preventing and combatting sexual violence against children


Moderator: Mr Philip Jaffé, Professor, Institut Universitaire Kurt Bösch, Switzerland

        “The Lanzarote Convention and its monitoring mechanism as a tool to develop integrated and strategic approaches to preventing and combating sexual violence against children”, Mr Bragi Guđbrandsson, Vice-Chair of the Lanzarote Committee

        “The Council of Europe ONE in FIVE Campaign to stop sexual violence against children; achievements, pitfalls and prospects”, Mr Liliane Maury Pasquier, Member, Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development, Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and Mr Johan van den Hout, Thematic Spokesperson on Children of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe

        “The challenge of addressing child sexual abuse within the circle of trust”, Ms Gordana Buljan Flander, Director of the Zagreb Child Protection Centre, Croatia

        “Child sexual abuse in institutions: ensuring full protection of children and young people living in institutions”, Ms Georgiana Pascu, Programme Manager, Centre for Legal Resources, Romania


Roundtable 3: Promoting the rights of children in alternative care


Moderator: Mr Jean-Claude Legrand, Senior Advisor Child Protection, UNICEF CIS/CEE

        “A child’s right to a supportive and caring family environment: developing systems for effective monitoring of childcare facilities and strengthening alternative family-based care for children”, Mr Jean-Claude Legrand, Senior Advisor Child Protection, UNICEF CIS/CEE

        “Empowering professionals working with children in care”, Ms Kélig Puyet, European Union Liaison Officer, SOS Children’s Villages International

        “Protect your dreams – safeguard the hope: children’s contribution to developing high quality alternative care” Ms Maria Kaisa Aula, Ombudsperson for Children’s Rights, and Ms Helena Inkinen, Expert from experience, Finland

        “Coordinated approach to child care reform targeting deinstitutionalization of children in care and development of alternatives”, Ms Natia Partskhaladze, Chairperson, Association of Social Workers, Georgia


Friday 28 March


09.00: Three parallel roundtable sessions


Roundtable 4: Juvenile justice: first resort measures first


Moderator: Mr Neven Ricijaš, Assistant Professor, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences

        “Children’s rights and the CPT”, Mr Lətif Hüseinov, President of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT)

        “Prevention of violence in detention and alternatives to institutionalisation of children”, Mr Ton Liefaard, Professor of Children’s Rights, Law School, Leiden University, The Netherlands

        “A non-violence juvenile justice system: effective diversion and non-custodial measures for children in conflict with the law”, Mr Antanas Jatkevicius, Member of the Council for Penological Co-operation of the Council of Europe and Head of Penal and Administrative Law Unit, Legal Department, Office of the Parliament of Lithuania

        “Alternatives to deprivation of liberty of young offenders: the development of fostering programmes”, Mr Cédric Foussard, Director, International Juvenile Justice Observatory, Belgium


Roundtable 5: Violence against girls and young women under 18


Moderator: Ms Madi Sharma, Member, European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)

        “The Istanbul Convention as a tool to develop integrated and strategic approaches to prevent and combat violence against women and girls”, Ms Raluca Popa, Programme Advisor, Gender Equality Division, Council of Europe

        “See me, hear me; a new framework for protecting children”, Ms Sue Berelowitz, Deputy Children’s Commissioner of England, United Kingdom

        “The Istanbul Convention as a tool to end female genital mutilation: the development of a practical handbook”, Ms Elise Petitpas, Advocacy Officer, Amnesty International

        “Young women – agents of positive change”, Ms Saida Gicić, Project Coordinator, CURE Foundation, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Roundtable 6: Child participation: generating change


Moderator: Ms Jana Hainsworth, Secretary General, Eurochild

        “Towards a culture of child participation: measuring progress in promoting the right of children and young people to participate in matters of concern to them”, Ms Gerison Lansdown, co-drafter of the Council of Europe Child Participation Assessment Tool, United Kingdom

        “Working in partnership with children and young people to increase children's participation and influence in society“, Ms Mila Jelavić, Ombudsperson for Children in Croatia

        “Human rights education for children: understanding, experiencing and practicing children’s rights through education”, Mr Rolf Gollob, Professor, Centre IPE - International Projects in Education, Zurich University of Teacher Education, Switzerland

        “Meaningful child and youth participation in combatting sexual violence against children: empowering young survivors”, Ms Eugenia Maxim, Youth representative of Eastern Europe and CIS region for ECPAT International Child Youth Advisory Committee (EICYAC)


11.00: Plenary Session: Enforcing Children’s Rights


Moderator: Ms Marta Santos Pais, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General on Violence Against Children (SRSG VAC)

        Ms Kirsten Sandberg, Chair of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC)

        Ms Ksenija Turković, Judge European Court of Human Rights (ECHR)

        Ms Csilla Kollonay-Lehoczky, Former member of the European Committee of Social Rights (ECSR)

        Mr Bragi Guđbrandsson, Vice-Chair of the Lanzarote Committee (T-ES)

        Mr Helmut Sax, Member of GRETA, Action against Trafficking in Human Beings

        Mr Sigve Gramstad, Vice-Chair of the Committee of Experts of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages (ECRML)


15.00: Plenary session: Growing with children’s rights: overcoming obstacles for a sustainable future


Inspirational speech by Mr Jacques Fierens, Professor, University of Namur, Belgium


Moderator and introductory speaker to the challenges faced, Ms Ursula Kilkelly, Professor, University College Cork, Ireland

        “Children’s rights and freedom of expression”, Mr Juan Barata, Principal Advisor to the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Austria

        “Children’s rights and parental rights and responsibilities”, Ms Anne Lindboe, Ombudsperson on children’s rights, Norway

        “Children’s rights and economic growth in times of austerity”, Ms Aoife Nolan, Professor, School of Law, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom


17.30: Official Closing


        Mr Hrvoje Sadarić, Advisor to the Minister, Ministry of Social Policy and Youth, Croatia

        Ms Regina Jensdottir, Council of Europe Children’s Rights Coordinator