Want to know more about the Council of Europe’s work? With 46 member states, we’re Europe’s leading organisation for subjects related to democracy, human rights and the rule of law. We have many stories to tell, so check out our collection of podcasts, on everything from the origins of the European flag to how we maintain safety standards for the medicines you buy at your local pharmacy. You’ll find our podcasts on this website and also on leading platforms like Apple and Spotify.


Europe Explained
In the Europe Explained podcast we talk to the experts on the front line, to get an in-depth analysis of the key issues affecting our everyday lives.

All episodes Europe Explained » 

L'Atelier de l'Europe
Discovering the Council of Europe’s art collection

All episodes L'Atelier de l'Europe » 


New releases

Exploring Europe’s treasures: the European Heritage Days

3min56 19 september 2024

In this episode, we celebrate the European Heritage Days, a unique event that opens doors to Europe’s cultural and historical landmarks. From Sweden to Cyprus, these days offer access to hidden gems that are usually closed to the public, thereby showcasing Europe’s rich and diverse heritage.

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Protecting our natural heritage: the work of the Bern Convention

4min21 12 september 2024

In this episode, Cathie Burton delves into the Bern Convention, a key agreement for the conservation of wildlife and natural habitats in Europe. Follow her on this journey and learn how this convention has been safeguarding biodiversity consistently since 1979, amidst modern challenges.

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Надія, Nadiya – “Hope” in Ukrainian (in French)

6 min 37 31 May 2024

This portrait is a vibrant tribute to Ukrainian women who “remain a bastion of hope through their courage, whether silent or overt.” The work highlights the unwavering will to triumph.

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The Messengers – Avenue of thoughts (in French)

6 min 18 28 may 2024

In his dreamlike world, Jean-Michel Folon brings mysterious figures to life and transforms everyday objects. These emblematic sculptures of his seem to be watching the visitors go by. This committed European was wont to say that “Sculpture is a dialogue.”

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