6 November 2023 - 10.00-11.00 / Hemicycle of the European Parliament (access via the Palais de l’Europe)

Interpretation: FR/EN

World Forum for Democracy 2023: Times for facts, Welcoming words and Plenary 1

Full screen: ENFR / ORIGINAL

Hemicycle of the European Parliament 6 November 2023 - 10.00-13.00
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LUCIANI Claudia 2023


Director of Human Dignity, Equality and Governance, Council of Europe

Claudia Luciani is currently Director of Human Dignity, Equality and governance. Her responsibilities cover the implementation of the Istanbul and Anti-Trafficking conventions as well as of the gender equality strategy (2018-2023). Claudia’s work on governance focuses on the functioning of democratic institutions from election assistance, civil society participation and good governance principles. The World Forum for Democracy is how innovation in democracy helps us meet the current challenges.

FOA Roberto 2023

Roberto FOA

Centre for the Future of Democracy, University of Cambridge

United Kingdom

HOEY Joan 2023


Editor of the Democracy Index, Economist Intelligence Unit

United Kingdom

Joan Hoey is the Regional Director for Europe in Economist Intelligence’s Country Analysis division. She is an expert on European political economy, with a special interest in democracy, governance, political risk, global geopolitics and east European post-communist transition. Joan is the Editor of EIU's flagship annual Democracy Index, recognised by governments, international organisations, corporates and academia as a leading measure of global democracy. Before joining the Europe team at The Economist Group in 1995, Joan worked as a journalist covering the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe and the wars that followed the break-up of Yugoslavia.



Director for Europe and MENA, Institute for Economics and Peace

Serge Stroobants is the Director of Europe and the MENA region and the Global Director for Security, Defence and Intelligence at the Institute for Economics and Peace. His academic specialization is in political sciences, international relations, security and defence, global risk analysis, foresight, and crisis management. He is a visiting Professor at the Riga graduate School of Law, the Trocadero Forum Institute in Paris and the Brussels School of Governance. He is a senior fellow at the Irish College of the KU Leuven and a senior associate at the European Institute for Asian Studies. He is an alumnus of the International Visitors Leadership Program of the US State Department.