Sexual violence
is one of the worst forms of violence against children. It can take many
forms among which: incest, pornography, prostitution, trafficking in human
beings, sexual exploitation and sexual abuse. All of these can and do cause
serious damage to children’s mental and physical health. The consequences of
sexual abuse follow children into their adult lives – lives which first
person accounts often describe as lived out in hidden sorrow and pain.
Although public attention is most often drawn towards the lurking stranger
depicted in media, yet children are most in danger of abuse from those
around them, such as family members and friends, care-givers, even peers.
Protecting children from violence has been a top priority at the Council of
Europe for many years.
As a response to sexual violence, the Council of Europe is launching a pan
European campaign on 29 November 2010 in Rome:
- to encourage the signature and ratification of the Organisation child
related legal instruments and;
- to launch comprehensive awareness raising actions to prevent and combat
sexual exploitation and sexual abuse of children, trafficking in children
and cybercrime where children are targeted.
Launching event of the campaign in Rome on 29-30 November 2010
Council of Europe campaign to stop sexual violence against children
Entry into force of the Council of Europe Convention against Sexual
Exploitation and Sexual Abuse
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