Cybercrime: Reports and presentations
These technical reports and presentations have been prepared under the
Project on Cybercrime. They do not necessarily reflect official
positions of the Council of Europe.
Council of Europe/Economic Crime Division
Guidelines for the cooperation between law enforcement and internet
service providers in the investigation of cybercrime (adopted in April
April 2008
Council of Europe/Economic Crime Division
Project on Cybercrime: Progress report
(status as at 31 July 2008)
August 2008
Callanan, Cormac / Gercke, Marco
Cooperation between law enforcement and internet service providers
against cybercrime: towards common guidelines
June 2008
Gercke, Marco
Internet related identity theft
November 2007
Ifrah, Laurence
current threats and trends
March 2008
Picotti, Lorenzo / Salvadori, Ivan
legislation implementing the Convention on Cybercrime: comparative
analysis and good practices
August 2008
Seger, Alexander
Identity theft and
the Convention on Cybercrime
December 2007
Van den Hoven van Genderen, Rob
Cybercrime investigations and
the protection of personal data and privacy
March 2008
Verdelho, Pedro
The effectiveness of international cooperation against cybercrime:
examples of good practice
March 2008
Comments, corrections or updates may be sent to:
Alexander Seger, Economic Crime Division -
Directorate General of Human Rights and Legal Affairs -
Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France
: +33-3-9021-4506 -
: +33-3-9021-5650 -
: [email protected]