Atrás Our Intercultural City - Our Home

Our Intercultural City - Our Home

We all deserve a home. No two persons will give you the same exact answer of what home means to them. Some will describe it as a friends and family, while others will speak of familiar sounds, sights, or experiences. For many of those who have been forced to flee and find a new home, Home is also a feeling of safety or refuge – a place where they can build a future without fear. For all of us, however, Home means feeling welcome, a feeling of belonging and knowing you can be yourself.

Home in an intercultural city is an inclusive place, a place where we are all invited to participate, interact, and learn from each other. Feeling at home in our city makes us all shine together and helps us tap into the benefits of our diversity.

What does Home mean to you? Is everyone at home in your city? Can everyone participate and feel safe from prejudice, racism, segregation, and exclusion? Is there anything you can do in your Intercultural City to increase the feeling of welcome? Are there ways we can together overcome challenges and heal together?

Through this campaign Intercultural Cities joins the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and invites everyone to learn, heal and shine together - today and every day.

Ivana D’Alessandro
Head of the Intercultural Cities Unit

Campaign "Our Intercultural City - Our Home"

20 June 2021
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