Назад Live webinars: "Cultural Routes Dialogues: challenges and opportunities post Covid-19" - 2. Italy, San Marino and the Holy See

Live webinars:

The Secretariat of the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes and of the European Institute of Cultural Routes is pleased to announce the organization of its first cycle of live webinars: "Cultural Routes Dialogues: challenges and opportunities post Covid-19".

The aim of this initiative is to examine the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the cultural and tourism sector - in particular on the networks and activities of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe-, to identify challenges that Cultural Routes are facing and discuss opportunities and innovative solutions to overcome this crisis.

The second edition will take place on Friday 15th May from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. (CEST) and will focus on Cultural Routes based or with a strong presence in Italy, San Marino and the Holy See.

Future editions will include the participation of representatives of Cultural Routes and institutions in other EPA member States.

The live streaming of the webinar can be followed through the Cultural Routes Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/cultureroutes and live on Eurocomunicazione.com. The audience is invited to send questions for the speakers through the live chat. Please note that the seminar will be held in ITALIAN.

We look forward to your participation!




  • Stefano Dominioni, Executive Secretary of the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes; Director of the European Institute of Cultural Routes


  • Giuseppe Zaffuto, Spokesperson, Council of Europe, Strasbourg


  • Prof. Magda Antonioli, Director, Master in Tourism Economics, Università Bocconi
  • Giuliana De Francesco, Head of Unit, European Relations and Representative of Italy to the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe, Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and for Tourism
  • Flaminia Santarelli, Director General for Tourism, Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Cultural Activities and for Tourism
  • Mauro Maiani, Abassador of San Marino to Portugal and the United Arab Emirates; Representative of San Marino to the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe
  • Monsignor Maurizio Bravi, Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations World Tourism Organization; Representative of the Holy See to the Cultural Routes of the Council fo Europe
  • Luisella Pavan-Woolfe, Head of Office, Council of Europe Office in Venice
  • Massimo Tedeschi, President, Via Francigena
  • Emanuela Panke, President, Iter Vitis
  • Massimo Isola, President, European Route of Ceramics
  • Antonio Barone, Director, Phoenicians’ Route
  • Patrick Leech, President, Atrium, Architecture of Totalitarian Regimes of the 20th Century in Europe's Urban Memory


The video recording of the Webinar is also available on the YouTube channel of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe programme.

Luxembourg, Luxembourg 15 May 2020
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