Назад ITB BERLIN 2017: Participation at UNWTO Silk Road Ministerial Meeting and Presentation of the Cultural Routes Programme

ITB BERLIN 2017: Participation at UNWTO Silk Road Ministerial Meeting and Presentation of the Cultural Routes Programme

The Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe attended the Berlin International Tourism Fair on 8-9 March. On 8 March, Stefano Dominioni was invited to take part in the UNWTO Silk Road Ministerial Conference, opened by Secretary General Taleb Rifai. In the framework of the Memorandum of Cooperation signed by the Council of Europe and UNWTO in 2016, the two Organisations are cooperating to develop jointly the Western (European) section of the Silk Road.

On 9 March, Stefano Dominioni and Eleonora Berti presented the Cultural Routes Programme of the Council of Europe at a workshop organised by “Destination Napoleon”. ITB is the world's largest tourism trade fair. Several Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe were present, including Destination Napoleon, Transromanica, The Hansa, Via Regia, Charles V and Prehistoric Rock Art Trails. At the margins of these meetings, they had the opportunity to speak with partner Organizations, such as the European Tour Operators Association, EuroVelo.

Berlin, Germany 8-9 March 2017
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