Назад Royal Brotherhood of Queen Santa Mafalda, RIRSMA

Royal Brotherhood of Queen Santa Mafalda, RIRSMA / Real Irmandade da Rainha Santa Mafalda, RIRSMA

  • Portugal
Member Category
  • Cultural Institution / NGO
  • Museum
  • Heritage Site
Member Status
Year of Accession to Membership
Contact Details
Mosteiro de Arouca (Arouca Monastery)
Largo de Santa Mafalda
Apartado 103
PT-4540-108 Arouca

Tel: +351 256 943 321
Website: [email protected]
Email: museu[at]rirsma.pt
Contact Person
Main Town/Region
Arouca (Aveiro)
Site Town/Region
Arouca (Aveiro)
Main GPS Location
40.928488, -8.247081
Site GPS Location
40.928488, -8.247081
UNESCO World Heritage List
European Heritage Label
Other Heritage Labels
The Monastery of Arouca, whose foundation dates back to the 8th century, was one of the most important on the peninsula, following the Cistercian rule (www.cister.net/abbayes/fr/146/arouca).
The Royal Brotherhood of Queen Santa Mafalda was founded in 1886, after the death of the last nun of the Monastery of Arouca, with the aim of safeguarding, preserving, valuing and promoting the rich estate of this Cistercian Monastery, as well as avoiding its dispersion.
The Sacred Art Museum (Museu de Arte Sacra, est. 1933) is housed in the Monastery of Arouca, and collects objects of devotion of the nuns who inhabited the Monastery of Arouca.

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