Atrás European Route of Jewish Heritage: Inauguration of the “Itinerary of the Jewish Heritage of the Upper Town” in Luxembourg

Mr. François Moyse, President of the AEPJ and Mr. Stefano Dominioni, Executive Secretary of the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe and Director of the European Institute of Cultural Routes; Mr. Stefano Dominioni; Mr. Franz Fayot, Minister of Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affair; Ms. Sam Tanson, Minister of Culture and Ms. Lydie Polfer, Mayor of Luxembourg (from left to right and top to bottom)

Mr. François Moyse, President of the AEPJ and Mr. Stefano Dominioni, Executive Secretary of the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe and Director of the European Institute of Cultural Routes; Mr. Stefano Dominioni; Mr. Franz Fayot, Minister of Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affair; Ms. Sam Tanson, Minister of Culture and Ms. Lydie Polfer, Mayor of Luxembourg (from left to right and top to bottom)

On 5 September, the Secretariat took part in the inauguration of the “Itinerary of the Jewish Heritage of the Upper Town”, that makes visible the traces of Jewish life in Luxembourg City.


The initiator of this Cultural Route is the European Association for the Preservation and Promotion of Jewish Culture and Heritage (AEPJ). The inauguration took place in the Rue de la Congrégation, at the height of the Hôtel de Bourgogne, where a plaque was unveiled, commemorating the first synagogue inaugurated in 1821. The old synagogue stood there until 1895, when the Great Synagogue in Rue Notre-Dame was opened.


The “Itinerary of the Jewish Heritage of the Upper Town” and the plaque were introduced by Mr. François Moyse, President of the AEPJ, followed by speeches by Mr. Franz Fayot, Minister of Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affair; Ms. Lydie Polfer, Mayor of Luxembourg; Ms. Sam Tanson, Minister of Culture and Mr. Stefano Dominioni, Executive Secretary of the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe and Director of the European Institute of Cultural Routes.


The ceremony also marked the opening of The European Days of Jewish Culture.

Luxembourg, Luxembourg 5 september 2021
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