3rd Cultural Routes Annual Advisory Forum

Innsbruck, Austria, 21-22 November 2013

Council of Europe Cultural Routes – Quo Vadis?
Cultural Routes 2014 - 2024

The 3rd Annual Advisory Forum was co-organised by the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe (EPA), the Austrian Ministry for European and International Affairs, the Austrian Ministry for Economy, Family and Youth, the Austrian Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture, and the European Institute of Cultural Routes in Luxembourg.

The programme of the 2013 Forum included 5 Round Tables for  participants, during which the speakers examined issues concerning the future of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe Programme and shareed opinions and ideas on tailored models that could make the Cultural Routes’ network even more efficient.

More precisely, they examined the added value for countries joining the Programme, the means to optimize dialogue and cooperation, as well as cooperation between EPA and other programme of activities of the Council of Europe, experiences and best practices from the EPA Member States.

The Forum was attended by representatives of the 26 certified Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe and candidate projects from all over Europe, representatives from Member States of the EPA, International Organisations (European Union, UNWTO, ICOMOS, UNESCO), NGOs, local and regional authorities, universities and professionals in the sector of cultural tourism.

The Forum’s conclusions are set out in the Innsbruck Declaration adopted by participants at the close of the sessions, which sets new goals for the future activities of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe Programme.
