Назад GRETA visits France, Italy and Greece

GRETA visits France, Italy and Greece

As part of the second evaluation visit to France on the implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (5-9 September 2016), a GRETA delegation went to Calais. It visited the Jules Ferry reception centre for migrants, as they represent a population particularly vulnerable to human trafficking (see GRETA’s 5th General Report). This visit included the day centre, the shelter for women and children and the shelter for families and men (known as Centre Provisoire d’Accueil). It also went to Saint Omer - 50km from Calais - to visit a shelter for unaccompanied boys (La Maison du Jeune Réfugié. GRETA’s 2nd evaluation report on France will be published in spring 2017.

GRETA carried out a visit to Italy from 21 to 23 September 2016. The visit, organised pursuant to Rule 7 of the Rules of procedure,* examined the specific situation of forced returns of victims of trafficking in human beings and identification of victims of trafficking among asylum seekers and migrants. During the visit, GRETA’s delegation held meetings with relevant officials, in particular from the Ministry of the Interior (Central Directorate for Immigration and Border Police and Central Directorate of Civil Services for Immigration and Asylum), the Prefecture of Rome, the National Commission for Granting International Protection and the Territorial Commission for Granting International Protection in Rome. The delegation also visited the Identification and Expulsion Centre (CIE) at Ponte Galeria as well as the Centre of First Aid and Reception (so-called “hotspot”) in Pozzallo, Sicily. Following the visit, GRETA will prepare a report which will be sent to the Italian authorities for comments and will subsequently be published.

GRETA’s first evaluation visit to Greece will take place from 3-7 October 2016. The GRETA delegation will meet representatives of public authorities, NGOs and international organisations. One of the aims of the visit will be to obtain more information on how migrants and refugees in Greece, includingunaccompanied children, are affected by trafficking in human beings, and what arrangements exist to prevent such trafficking and to identify and assist victims. The report on this visit will be considered by GRETA at its plenary meeting in March 2017.

* Rule 7 provides that “when GRETA receives reliable information indicating a situation where problems require immediate attention to prevent or limit the scale or number of serious violations of the Convention, it may make an urgent request for information to any Party or Parties to the Convention. Taking into account the information submitted by the party or parties concerned, as well as any other reliable information available to it, GRETA may designate rapporteurs to assess the specific situation and, if necessary, carry out a visit to the party or parties concerned”.

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