Council of
Conseil de l’Europe |
Union Européenne |
Based on the success of the
MOLI-UA Project Against
Money Laundering implemented by
the Council of Europe between
February 2003 and June 2005 and
fully funded by the European
Commission (1 million Euro) the
5.3 million Euro Follow-up Project
Against Money Laundering and
Terrorist Financing was launched on
1 May 2006 to address the
outstanding issues in the AML/CTF
system of Ukraine and help the
country keep the momentum in
developing that system.
three objectives aim at assisting
Ukraine in:
its national legislation compliant
with the 3rd EU Directive
on the Prevention of the Use of the
Financial System for the Purposes of
Money Laundering or Terrorist
Financing, and the Council of Europe
Convention on Laundering, Search,
Seizure and Confiscation of the
Proceeds from Crime and on the
Financing of Terrorism;
the human capacities of key
institutions of the anti-money
laundering system of Ukraine (State
Committee for Financial Monitoring,
law enforcement agencies and
judiciary and financial sector
regulators/supervisors) ; and
the organisational and technical
infrastructure of the anti-money
laundering and counter terrorist
financing system.
AMLTraining for non-financial
obliged institutions
12 November 2008, a training course
is organised at the premises of the
Training Center of the State
Committee for Financial Monitoring
in Kyiv, Ukraine. It will focus on
the prevention and combating money
laundering in non-financial
institutions with special focus on
gambling sector.
Study visit
From 17 to 21 November 2008, a study
visit to Sweden will be
organised under MOLI-UA-2 for 13
Ukrainian experts representing the
State Committee for Financial
Monitoring and the financial sector.
Its aim is to visit training
institutions in Sweden, mainly in
Stockholm and Gothenburg, to
exchange best practices and study
training solutions available to the
law enforcement agencies and
judiciary in Sweden in the field of
combating money laundering and
terrorist financing.
Sum-up conference
From 1 to 5 December 2008, in the
Lviv region, 40 Ukrainian experts
will participate in the conference
aimed at presenting, at regional
level, the results of work of the
State Committee for Financial
Monitoring in Ukraine and its
Training Center, as well as that of
the MOLI-UA2 Project in 2008.
Training for Judges-Trainers
From 30 September to 2 October 2008,
Appeal court judges from the Eastern
regions of Ukraine and international
experts gathered in Donetsk and Lviv,
Ukraine, to examine real cases
related to the legalisation of the
proceeds from crime. Legal bases for
combating money laundering in Sweden
and Poland as well as international
standards for combating ML/TF were
also presented to the participants.
The training took the form of a round
table and all participants were
invited to share their comments
and experience. The training was
organised with the help and
participation of the Ukrainian
Academy of Judges in Kyiv and its
regional branches in Donetsk and Lviv. 36 judges participated in both
trainings, and will be acting as an
experts in future AML/CTF trainings
to be organised by the Ukrainian Academy
of Judges.
Regional Training for Law
Enforcement Authorities
On 3 and 4 October 2008, Ukrainian
and international experts gathered
in Lviv, Ukraine, to discuss issues
of counteraction to money laundering
and terrorist financing. Experts
from Lviv region, Sweden, Poland,
Lithuania and Belgium presented the
co-operation between, for example,
the Financial Investigation Unit and
Law Enforcement Authorities in their
country with a special focus on
prosecution service on central and
local level, customs and tax
Combating the Financing of Terrorism
The seminar on countering
terrorist financing organised by
Basel Institute of Governance will
take place in Davos, Switzerland on
1-3 October 2008. The main topics on
the agenda are the intelligence
gathering, the cooperation between
law enforcement bodies and private
sector, and the use of modern
technology. MOLI-UA2 Project
provides for participation of the
representatives of the State
Committee for Financial Monitoring
of Ukraine and General Prosecutor’s
Link to the Agenda
(english) and
on the Implementation of the
International AML/CTF Standards and
Monitoring of the AML/CTF System
On 11 and 12 September 2008, the
Council of Europe organised this
workshop in the outskirts of Kyiv,
which gathered international experts
and officials from Ministries, the
National Bank of Ukraine, the State
Committee for Financial Monitoring
of Ukraine, the Tax Police and other
public bodies. The aim was to
present the current status of the
Draft AML Law and discuss
effectiveness of AML/CTF system.
Procurement of IT equipment and
Tender procedures have been
completed in the Council of Europe
for the procurement of significant
amount of IT equipment and software
destined to further increase
capacities of the Ukrainian system
of combating money laundering and
terrorist financing. Deliveries will
be completed by the end of 2008.