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MOLI-UA-2 Project activities in July 2008

Within the framework of the joint project of the Council of Europe and the European Commission on the International Co-operation in Criminal Matters in Ukraine (UPIC), with contribution of the joint project against Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing in Ukraine (MOLI-UA 2), the Council of Europe organised an International Conference on Economic Crime. Discussions focused in particular on money laundering and tax evasion.

MOLI-UA-2 Project activities in June 2008

On 5 and 6 June 2008, a training for judges took place at the premises of the State Academy of Judges. The main objective was to provide the representatives of judges with training on international standards and some practical issues with regard to criminal proceedings on money laundering cases.

On 26 June 2008, within MOLI-UA2 project, a training seminar for law enforcement authorities on the use of special investigative techniques in combating money laundering and terrorist financing was organised in Kyiv, with the support of the SCFM and the Kyiv National University of Internal Affairs Of Ukraine.

MOLI-UA-2 Project activities in May 2008

Over 50 Ukrainian experts, mainly from the State Committee for Financial Monitoring, the National Bank and prosecutors' offices, and 15 international experts participated in the 2nd Annual AML/CTF Conference in Yalta, Crimea, from 11 to 13 June 2008 which included Advanced AML/CTF training for law enforcement agencies and financial institutions, meetings of the Training Strategy Working Group, IT Working Group and Legal Working Group.
The main objective was to provide the law enforcement agencies and financial sector regulators with updated knowledge on AML/CTF issues, including new typologies. The working groups concentrated on the key issues in the implementation of the project, including discussion of the new draft AML law.

MOLI-UA-2 Project activities in April 2008:

-The Training seminar for law enforcement agencies and prosecutors on international experience and cooperation in the field of AML/CTF was organised jointly with the SCFM and its Training Centre on 4 April 2008. The topics of the presentations by two CoE experts from Belgium included inter alia categories of ML, TF and predicate offences, freezing and confiscation of assets in the light of international standards and best practices.

- The Seminar for Banking Sector was organised on 10 and 11 April 2008  in Sumy by the Banking Academy, the Project expert made a very well received presentation on the Risk-Based Approach to AML/CTF, typologies and international standards.

-The Multi-agency study visit of a group 17 representatives of different Ukrainian state agencies was organised in Warsaw, Poland, from 14 to 18 April 2008. The activity was first of all addressed to employees of training institutions or state officials involved in the elaboration of training strategies. During their visits to the Polish FIU, Financial Supervision Commission, European Institute of Public Administration - European Centre for Public Financial Management, a private bank and a private insurance company, the group received detailed information on practical approaches to AML/CTF training in public administrations and in the obliged institutions in private sector.

MOLI-UA-2 Project activities in May 2007:

-A seminar for prosecutors and legal drafters took place in Yalta, Crimea on 23-25 May 2007. Organised within the MOLI-UA2 framework, the seminar addressed such issues as implementation of 23 FATF Recommendations; implementation of the UN Resolution on combating terrorism financing and practical aspects related to the lists of terrorist and management of the seized assets; and the role of the Public Prosecutor in investigation of money laundering cases. The seminar provided participants with an opportunity to analyse the experience of four EU countries with the above issues as well as to look into real cases dealt with by international experts.
The participants of the seminar included Ukrainian experts responsible for drafting legal acts and incorporating international AML standards into the national system from the State Committee of Financial Monitoring of Ukraine, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Interior, National Security Service and financial regulators, as well as prosecutors, criminal judges and representatives of law-enforcement agencies dealing with money laundering cases. Presentations were delivered by international AML experts from Slovenia, Sweden and Ireland

Agenda in english and in ukrainian

MOLI-UA-2 Project activities in April 2007: 

-A study visit of the Ukrainian multi-agency delegation to Brussels took place on 16-18 April 2007. Organised by the MOLI-UA-2 project the visit focused on the experience of the Belgian FIU and other relevant governmental agencies with the practical implementation of the 3rd EU Directive. The delegation included representatives of the Ukrainian Parliament, FIU, financial supervisory authorities, law-enforcement and judiciary institutions who met their counterparts from the Belgian Financial Intelligence Processing Unit CTIF-CFI, Federal Police, Public Prosecutor Office and Asset Confiscation Office.

More information : http://sdfm.gov.ua/news.php?news_id=333&lang=uk

MOLI-UA-2 Project activities in March 2007:

-On 28-30 March 2007, a training activity on e-learning was organised in Warsaw, Poland in the framework of  the MOLI-UA-2 project with the participation of the member of the E-learning working group formed within the SCFM under the auspices of the Project. The participants learnt Poland’s experience with creation of a e-learning tool for the AML/CTF system, starting from the very concept of the e-learning course up to maintaining the training network. A series of meetings organized for them in a specialized training institute and at the Warsaw School of Economics let them have a close look into practical issues of the creation of the e-learning course including both methodology and technical aspects.

-Organised within the framework of the MOLI-UA-2 project, an Anti-Money Laundering (AML) seminar for the Ukrainian banking sector took place at the State Committee for Financial Monitoring of Ukraine (SCFM) Training Centre in Kyiv, Ukraine, on 28-29 March.
Representatives of about thirty leading Ukrainian banks, SCFM regional branches, financial supervisory authorities and law-enforcement agencies participated in the training event, which focused on practical tools of combating money-laundering offence in banks and include some real life AML cases. Day-to-day cooperation among the obliged institutions, FIU and law-enforcement agencies, in particular in terms of preparing STRs and getting the feedback were also discussed. Presentations were delivered by an international AML expert Mr. Jos de Wit (the Netherlands) and staff of the SCFM Analytical Department.

MOLI-UA-2 Project activities in February 2007:

-The MOLI-UA-2 E-learning Working Group met in Kyiv, Ukraine, on 27 February 2007. The group considered the hardware and software requirements, in particular for the AML/CTF international e-learning platform, and the training content for the e-learning tool. The Working Group also developed a plan of its activities in order to meet the deadline for the launching of the course towards the end of this year.

-The Legal Working Group of the Follow-up Project against Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing in Ukraine (MOLI-UA-2) met in Strasbourg, France, on 19-22 February 2007. During working sessions project experts discussed the follow-up analyses of the Ukrainian draft anti-money laundering/counter-terrorist financing (AML/CTF) legislation and materials to be prepared for meetings and discussions with Ukrainian parliamentarians during their committees’ meetings, including a list of priorities in the AML/CTF legislative field and actions to be taken.
The Ukrainian delegation presented the new draft AML law and the outcome of the Working Group discussion at the first joint FATF and Moneyval plenary meeting. The latter took place at the CoE premises same dates and engaged representatives of over 60 Financial Intelligence Units (FIU) and a number of international organizations, including the European Commission, Council of Europe, International Monetary Fund, World Bank, and UN agencies.

Round table on legislation, Kyiv, 12.12.2006
Круглий стіл 12 грудня 2006р. у Києві